Feng Shui How long do you play
From: apple1233 Posted on: 9/25/2004 7:05 am
Message: 407.1
How long do you play your charakters? Only a couple of weeks for short campaings? Month? Years? What do you do with the dozens or even hundreds of XP you receive? Only increase the main skills? Get new ones? Do you become Jack of all Trades or extreme specialists?

How does the powerlevel change, when the charaktes arrive at 100 oder 200 oder 300 XPs?


From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/25/2004 9:47 am
To: apple1233
Message: 407.2
in reply to: 407.1
well, so far my game has been going on for about 3-4 session currently... lasting about 3-4 hours a peice...

the players arent too high on the experience yet, but they are very clear that they want to buy stuff

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From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 9/25/2004 10:24 am
To: apple1233
Message: 407.3
in reply to: 407.1
That's a great question, Apple-person. I've been running a series that's been going since 2001 with about 10-12 sessions a year.

One of the things that have kept us from ramping up _severely_ has been a mistake that my co-GM and I made early on...Feng Shui sites, we believed only gave one extra XP per session (the rulebook says three). As we continued to tell the story, we decided that this was the best thing for all concerned and would allow the Dragons to get a _little_ bit of a foothold in the Secret War without having to constantly worry about their FS sites.

However, we still have two characters from our original eight; Gabrielle Summers, super spy and Chon La, Drunken Master. Along with the others (who are pretty badass in and of themselves), we are beginning to see characters with AVs around 18 or (very soon) 19. They have maxed out paths, added to Primary Traits, and taken Auxiliary schticks like Instant Dry-Cleaning and the Super Costume (from _Friends of the Dragon_.) The best way to max characters out is almost always by upping their Primaries, and so we've seen a lot of Ref and Bod and Chi ups.

The power level of the characters have neccessitated a few flicks as GM:
1) Unnamed Characters have become more and more unnatural. With high AVs, it's difficult and kind of a waste of time to send basic thuggy-mooks after the PCs. If you have Level 1-5 mooks (what I lump mooks as, with AVs of 8-12), they have to hit a Positive 6 to even have a chance to hit them. With situations, the mook needs _two_. And that's just kind of dull, and it takes a lot of time. So to make them work in the game, you must either artificially raise their AV to 13 (which basically makes them starting Secret Warriors) or come up with Ultimate Unnatural Killing Machines.

I took this second path, and it's actually been a lot of fun. I created the arcanotech 'Ovoid' (kind of like a weeble with arms and legs) for my current campaign - a Darkness/Arcanotech creature with unfortunate origins (made with the head and hands of a child), and some other specialties (three subtypes - one an infantryman with an ability to create and use with many, many different gun weapons, one a improved Bouncing Benji, and one a child-attracter - kids must beat a Will of 5 or must follow their directives). I think I'm going to continue to get a lot of use from those critters.

2) The Secret War knows who they are. It has come to the point that everyone knows who Chon La and Gabrielle are; they both have groupies amidst the DPs, but this also means that everyone knows their methods and will try to go after them first in combat. Everyone 'knows' to pile on to old Chon La before he enters the Drunken Stance (particularly if he's already had a few, as his Dodge AV goes down). Everyone 'knows' that Gabrielle Summers needs to be double-teamed or she will slowly rip through the competition like a rock through a wet sack. So I build battles around concepts like this when they are facing off against other teams.

FS is also not a bad game in which to use the idea of 'retiring' characters. If they survive long enough, the characters may take a back-seat role and become NPCs. That way, you have ready-made NPCs that the players _really_ care about because they've played alongside them for so long. We have several such NPcs right now...

Lars Croft, the two-fisted archaeologist hung up his whip and hat to become husband and father as part of a melodramatic hook.

Aelffric Gutierrez, Abomination, has become an information source in regard to the Architects for the Dragons and occasional fun color character.

Camille Boniface, Killer, joined the other side and shaved her head to become a Jammer. I look forward to using her as a villain at some point.

Advanced characters are great...you just have to know how to work around them. Remember that any operative in the Secret War that has lasted more than a year or two is going to start getting a rep, particlarly if they don't keep to themselves (ie: they ever interact with the DPs or go the Genocide Lounge.) In our version of FS, the GL's bartender keeps book on how long Innerwalkers survive after they've entered the War.

Oh, and one new little addition to our game...we now have a shared Ars Magica-style Grogs...Johann the Patriot Soldier will grow as he is passed from player to player and will either have an exciting death or will grow into the next generation of Dragons.


From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/26/2004 1:11 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 407.4
in reply to: 407.3
avs getting near 18-19?

ive got a killer in my game whos guns av is like 20...

edit, lemme rephrase, did i misread the sill "=" and Max again?... i didnt see any where where it said the killers AV was limited, so

did i do something wrong, or is your group uising slightly modified stuff?

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Edited 9/26/2004 1:12 am ET by prophet118
From: apple1233 Posted on: 9/26/2004 7:40 am
To: prophet118
Message: 407.5
in reply to: 407.4
" = " and " [max] " are only limitations for character generation.


From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/26/2004 8:07 am
To: apple1233
Message: 407.6
in reply to: 407.5
yeh, that part i know... however if hes just now getting people hit avs of 18-19.. and we started with some avs that high, i wanted to mke sure i didnt mess up again

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From: apple1233 Posted on: 9/27/2004 3:36 am
To: prophet118
Message: 407.7
in reply to: 407.6

Normally you cant start with AVs von 18. Only 16 for the OM and 17 for the wolf-as-sheep-trick for the supernatural creature.

From: Queex Posted on: 9/27/2004 5:59 am
To: apple1233
Message: 407.8
in reply to: 407.7
It depends how the character want to spend their XP. If they've been completing schtick paths and ramping up primary stats, that's a lot of raw XP burnt up.

My most advanced character had about 200XP ploughed into him, and his highest AV was only 15.

I do find that AV differentials can make the game tricky to run, which is why I've brewed a couple of house rules to make high AVs require dedication to get. It's nice in Fegn Shui that there's always something useful to spend XP on. You're never in a situation where none of the feats available are paritcularly useful or appropriate.

How the XP get spent can have a big effect on the tone of the game. High AVs give a clean feeling of quiet power. Many schticks give a wacky sense of fun.

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 9/27/2004 8:31 am
To: Queex
Message: 407.9
in reply to: 407.8
No, we play a pretty normal FS, in answer to Prophet-fella. Our Killer was far more interested in intrusion and sabotage and doing crazy Martial Arts stuff. As a result, she took _some_ uping of her Guns skill, but concentrated on the peripheral aspects of her character. Nonetheless, with her CoC at 3 and 10K Bullets at 1, she enjoyed wading into mooks with two guns and an unerring accuracy.

And since she's hung up her character's guns to be an NPC, there are far fewer mooks around. I'm of the belief that the GM is there in part to entertain his players, and mook-battles are far less interesting when there is no Mook-Soaker (although Snorri the Viking and his _crazy_ BOD of 14 is fast becoming a new one), so I concentrate on other aspects of the game.

From: IronJester76 Posted on: 9/27/2004 8:33 am
To: apple1233
Message: 407.10
in reply to: 407.1
Reading some of the other posts on this thread i sometimes wonder if i've done something wrong - i've got 4 or 5 players with their 'main' AV's at 22! Admittedly those same characters have been in play for up to 6 1/2 years, and i used to run a weekly game, so there were a lot of XP rewards, especially since they got a feng shui site (although they still only have one).
I actually put the cap of AV=22 in place to make the maths seem nearly sensible. We did have a big spread across the group, some spending XP purely on an AV to make them harder to hit/ easier at hitting others and some buying up schticks and not touching their AV's. I think some were influenced by AD&D and wanted to 'level-up'.
I had to cap AV spending because, as i pointed out to my players, they were starting to get scores equivalent to those in Thorns of the Lotus for an exiled god! While i can always ramp up the AV's of the bad guys too, i noticed that the killer (guns 22) and the ninja (M/arts 22)could hold their ownwell, while the Maverick Cop (guns 16, driving 19 at that point) was taking a good kicking from the improved bad guys.
The cap worked out well and my guys are some well-rounded badasses now. The killer picked up some Fu, the sorceror learned to use a gun, the Ninja has gone from fairly average martial artist to all-round death-dealer, and the maverick cop is still alive (and head of homicide for HK due to quick-thinking and a massive bribe!).
Not all my players have been onboard for 6+ years, and a few good guys died on the way too, but the core of really powerful dragons is still there. As we play less now (marriages, kids, etc.) i'm considering a retirement campaign for those characters, hunting down different faction bad guys in an attempt to actually change the secret war, perhaps before a major cataclysm wipes out the contemporary juncture. I know my guys are actually itching to go against Potemkin, Gao Zhang and a few others, just to see what would happen.....
From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 9/27/2004 9:11 am
To: IronJester76
Message: 407.11
in reply to: 407.10
I am working rather hard to piss off my players enough to make them start thinking about going all pre-emptive on the Big, Bad Guys yet. I think they may have finally gotten the idea by accident last week when Eddie the Fireman kacked a security guard on Al Amarja with SACQ (specialized poison nerve gas from Over the Edge), then noticed that almost every other room in the complex they were watching from security cams had a similar SACQ canister available by remote.

The Dragons were there to listen into a conversation between the Heavies of the nascent Three Queens faction that would give them information about an attack on the Empire State Building - and there was this slow dawning on them...

"Drew, so there's this SACQ thing in most every office of Freedom City's rotunda, right?"


"What about in Monique D'Aubainne's office where the meeting is happening?"

If I had thought about things a moment or two more, I would have said 'Yes' and followed protocol on SACQ (kill anything not-Monique D'Aubainne, and figure that the Darkness Queen and the newly-hyped Desdemona Deathangel would have fallen under some sort of 'not affected by such simple treachery' thingie). I took the chicken's way out and explained that such a device was not active in Monique's office.

But the thought that they might have killed five nasty enemies with the flip of a switch, I hope, will make them think about what they _could_ do.

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 9/27/2004 9:12 am
To: prophet118
Message: 407.12
in reply to: 407.6
To be specific:

If an attribute or a skill has an "=", it can't be modified, period.

If an attribute or skill has a "Max", then it can't go above that value.

In the case of skills, these maximums apply even if increasing the relevant attribute would cause the skill to increase.

e.g. Some character or other has Magic 5,

... and Sorcery 8 [Max 10]. If they add 3 points to their Magic, making it an 8, they now have Magic 8, Sorcery 10), not 11, because Sorcery cannot go above 10.

... and Sorcery = 8. If they add 3 points to their Magic, making it an 8, they now have Magic 8, Sorcery 8, because Sorcery cannot go above 8.

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 9/27/2004 10:47 am
To: Hindmarch
Message: 407.13
in reply to: 407.12
Hey Will -

Should a 2nd Edition ever be made for FS, I'd say the bit about 'Max' and '=' should be made a bit more clear. I don't know precisely how you'd do it, but scarcely a month goes by, it seems, without this coming up on the mailing list or the forum.

From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/27/2004 11:11 am
Message: 407.14
in reply to: 407.12
hmm... i see where i goofed again..lol... this time it was because i screwed up not on the "=" or "max" thing... but because for some reason i didnt see the "=" for the killer.. im not sure how i missed it though

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From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/27/2004 11:12 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 407.15
in reply to: 407.13
my issue has actually been because i miss it lately... i overlook it accidently...

but yes, there does need to be something saying explicitly what they mean

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From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/27/2004 11:14 am
Message: 407.16
in reply to: 407.12
"... and Sorcery = 8. If they add 3 points to their Magic, making it an 8, they now have Magic 8, Sorcery 8, because Sorcery cannot go above 8."

where'd you say it was a max of 8?...

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From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/27/2004 1:14 pm
Message: 407.17
in reply to: 407.12
what happens on things like in the old master... their martial arts skill is +11 (=16)... their reflex is a 5... but they get to divide 4 points among their primary attributes.. if they put more into reflex, i know the av wont go anyhigher for martial arts.. so, do they just ignore for now that they may have a higher base attribute?

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From: DarrinBright Posted on: 9/28/2004 9:12 am
To: prophet118
Message: 407.18
in reply to: 407.17
The old master gets a higher Ref. Yeah, it doesn't change his MA skill at chargen, but it bumps his Speed up (and an OM with Speed 9 and Coils of the Snake is truly a frightening thing).

In the short term, it's probably better to have a high Speed early on, but starting out with such a high Ref makes it expensive to increase your primary and secondary stats.

In the long term, it's easier to boost Body (can't help strength, but higher Tough and Con help with damage and death checks) or Mind ("TREMBLE at my Info/Calligraphy, weakling!")... given how nigh impossible the OM is to hit at MA 16, GMs are much more likely to use Sorcery/Influence or Creature Powers that prey on low Willpower or Perception to neutralize the OM. And it's cheaper in the long run to build up an insane MA AV by starting with Agility at 5 rather than 9. Increasing Agility or Speed from 9 to 10 is 20 XP, but 5 to 6 is only 12 XP. By the time it's cheaper to increase the skill rather than Agility, the OM has an AV in the 20's.

From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/28/2004 10:54 am
To: DarrinBright
Message: 407.19
in reply to: 407.18

well now that i have noticed my error on the killer in my game, things should go a little easier on them..

i had two named characters come after them last game, in 1850... basically gargoyles... but with the killer having such a higher guns value, i put the gargoyles defense at 21, and their toughness at 10.. had i known that i had messed up on the killers AV, there only would have been 1 gargoyle, or at least their defense would have been a little lower

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From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 9/29/2004 10:41 am
To: prophet118
Message: 407.20
in reply to: 407.16
"where'd you say it was a max of 8?"

From the Change the Numbers section of Chapter 2 of the main book:

"If an attribute or skill appears after an '=' sign, you can't increase that number at all during character creation."

So if "Sorcery = 8" is listed for an archetype, it starts at 8 and its maximum during character creation is 8!!

From: prophet118 Posted on: 9/29/2004 10:50 am
Message: 407.21
in reply to: 407.20
well yeh, but i misread your example..lol

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Edited 9/29/2004 10:50 am ET by prophet118