Card and Board Games Cthulhu 500 Promos?
From: briguy385 Posted on: 10/2/2004 11:35 pm
Message: 412.1
Hello everyone,

I noticed that on the bid counters there are two cars that don't come with the base game, the Campaign Bus and the Monster Truck. Were these promos of some kind? Are they available somewhere? I also purchased my copy at Gen-con and didn't get a checkered flag, is there any way to get one?


From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 11/11/2004 7:09 pm
To: briguy385
Message: 412.2
in reply to: 412.1
Hi there. I'm hoping you've already contacted us directly about the missing checkered flag ... if not, email me at and I'll see what I can do for you.

The promo that included the Campaign Bus and Monster Truck was in Game Trade Magazine this summer ... can't think of which issue. It also included rules for wagering on the race.

Michelle Nephew

From: Morley Posted on: 12/18/2004 1:38 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 412.3
in reply to: 412.2
Promos? and no one told us? ***sigh*** please, which gamer mag?
any ideaer on the date? Perchance I can get the dist. to dig one up...
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 12/20/2004 11:15 am
To: Morley
Message: 412.4
in reply to: 412.3

Hi there. The Cthulhu 500 promo cards were in one of the summer issues of Game Trade Magazine. I'm not sure which one, exactly.

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Morley Posted on: 1/18/2005 10:14 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 412.5
in reply to: 412.4
Well, almost a month of searching and distirbutor checking, no luck in finding any... Anyone got one that they are using as a soda coster and don't want? I have a couple of Magic promos I'll trade....
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 1/19/2005 10:10 am
To: Morley
Message: 412.6
in reply to: 412.5

You're talking about trying to find Cthulhu500 in stores, or about finding the promo? If you can't find the game in stores, has it. The promo with cut-out cards was in Game Trade Magazine, sometime last summer.

-Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Morley Posted on: 1/19/2005 12:25 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 412.7
in reply to: 412.6
Promo.... just want to get 1 or 2 for my demo decks... Anything to make it crazier and zanier.
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 1/19/2005 1:08 pm
To: Morley
Message: 412.8
in reply to: 412.7

You could always just call Game Trade and ask them for a copy.


From: John Nephew Posted on: 1/19/2005 5:52 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 412.9
in reply to: 412.8

Michelle and I were just talking, and something we'd like to do is try and get some of these things from years past onto the website for download.

(Note that the "cards" were just printed in the magazine, on newsprint -- they're not real playing card inserts or anything. So a PDF version could be printed on your inkjet for home use, although the magazine version probably looks a bit better.)

We'll post a note to the blog, as usual, whenever something new gets added to the download area.
