D20 System Games Dynasties & Demagogues OGL Usage
From: dalefriesen Posted on: 10/10/2004 11:52 am
Message: 413.1
I'm part of a group of people developing a d20 Modern shared campaign (TechnoTerra: <http://www.technoterra.org>). In our character creation guidelines we said that people could use most of the personality feats from Dynasties & Demagogues in addition to the usual d20 Modern stuff. We've had people asking about them, but we've steadfastly refused to post them up for people to see and just told them to buy the book. The rules aren't necessary for playing the game; they're simply a bonus option available to people who own this very fine book.

Recently at one of our meetings another member of the creative team pointed out that maybe it would be better for the book's sales if we put a few personality feats up on our web site. I hadn't thought of this. What would your preference be, oh lords and ladies of Atlas Games?

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 10/10/2004 11:19 pm
To: dalefriesen
Message: 413.2
in reply to: 413.1
I'm not someone from Atlas Games, but I thought I'd point out that some of the personality feats, and the system for them, were made into a promo PDF by Atlas, and it is still available at:


From: John Nephew Posted on: 10/11/2004 4:54 pm
To: dalefriesen
Message: 413.3
in reply to: 413.1
If it's OGC, please go to town, with our blessings. :)

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games