I had a go at straight conversion of the Qualities, using 2 for 1 on bonuses. I think it'll need some tweaking, or else they come out far too powerful (especially thinking about skill AVs and damage/Toughness). I've only posted the conversion of bonuses, other stuff that comes with remains the same. I can see right away many need their values dropping... Artist – 4 Primary points to distribute among Mental attributes, no more than 3 on any one attribute (max 12), +2 to the Artist skill, -1 Willpower rolls involving emotion. Initiative Commando – 4 Primary points to distribute among Physical attributes, no more than 3 on any one attribute (max 12). Jock – 4 Primary points to distribute among Physical attributes, no more than 3 on any one attribute (max 12), +4 to Sports skill, -1 AV to anything intellectual. Nerd – 4 Primary points to distribute among Mental attributes, no more than 3 on any one attribute (max 12), +2 to any of the skills listed, -1 AV to social tasks. Robot – +8 Strength and +4 Constitution, Toughness and Move, +2 REF, do not heal without Fix-it Slayer – +6 BOD, +6 REF, +4 Willpower, +2 to Martial Arts (min spend 6), Regeneration I (as Creature Power), Vamp sense Totem Warrior (12) - +6 Strength, +4 Toughness, Constitution, Move, +6 REF, Acute Senses, Fast Reaction Time, Hard to Kill III, +1 Martial Arts, Vampire – +6 Strength, +4 Toughness, Constitution and Move, +4 REF, Damage Immunity (bullets), Regeneration I (as Creature Power), Transformation (game face) Watcher – 2 Primary points to spend on physical attributes, +2 Martial Arts, +2 to any lore-Info Werewolf – +8 Strength, +4 Toughness, Constitution and Move, +4 REF, Abysmal Spines II (in were-form), Acute Smell, Transformation (to animal form) Lastly I'm not sure what to do with Sorcery; it's needed to fast-cast (ie do anything that isn't slow, ritual magic), but beyond that no idea how to handle it. I thought of it providing a +2 bonus to the Sorcery skill for every level, but beyond that I've no idea. Not least because the Magic trait represents a lot of the same stuff.