Card and Board Games Dungeoneer glory/peril awards
From: ghira2 Posted on: 10/27/2004 6:41 am
Message: 418.1
I'm sure this is a very silly question, but:

I'm reading version 2.1 of the rules while waiting for my
Dungeoneer stuff to arrive in the post. They say that the
glory/peril points awarded can't exceed the remaining
life points on the hero or monster who is wounded.

So if I kill something, it has 0 life points left, so
I can't get any glory? To maximise my glory earnings
I should try to take 50% of the life points off everything
I attack?

From: ghira2 Posted on: 10/27/2004 6:55 am
To: ghira2
Message: 418.2
in reply to: 418.1
Of course, my best guess is that the "remaining" points should
be taken to mean those at the _start_ of the fight, rather than
at the end.

So I get glory equal to the damage I inflict, with the limit
that i can't inflict more damage than the monster had life to
start with.

I suspect this is correct, and that "remaining" is just an odd
word choice in the rules. However, since this is all based
on reading the 2.1 PDF and never having played the game,
I could be missing something.

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 11/11/2004 7:24 pm
To: ghira2
Message: 418.3
in reply to: 418.2
Hi there.
>Of course, my best guess is that the "remaining" points should
>be taken to mean those at the _start_ of the fight, rather than
>at the end.

That's how I would take it. DARN ... just when I thought I'd gotten the rules all ironed out! ;)

Michelle Nephew