Card and Board Games Lunch Money and Extensions
From: WriterScott Posted on: 11/10/2004 2:55 am
Message: 422.1
Can I get your opinions on the Lunch Money game? Are the extension packs "Berr Money" and "Sticks and Stones" worth the time to go and buy? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Scott L. Inman (Home 1), or (Home 2), or (Home 3)
"Live Long and Prosper! \\// /"
From: Queex Posted on: 11/11/2004 5:03 am
To: WriterScott
Message: 422.2
in reply to: 422.1
My group loves sticks and stones. That said, it is a bit of a deep end proposition for new players. It's worth getting it if Lunch Money by itself sees a lot of play.

I haven't actually played Beer Money, but I imagine it mixes very well with the standard deck.

Edited 11/12/2004 11:13 am ET by Queex
From: KenFinlayson Posted on: 12/6/2004 9:39 pm
Message: 422.3
in reply to: 422.1

> Can I get your opinions on the Lunch Money game?

It's great fun, but (dare I say it?) the card design aims for beauty rather than utility. It's assumed that you know what the cards do, because their rules are not printed on them. For first time players (and people with ratty memory, like me) the flow of the game will break occasionally while someone consults the rules to find out how to break a Headlock, or whether Powerplay allows a free Weapon Attack.

But you shouldn't really let that put you off.

If you (or your friends) don't like games where the players tend to gang up on whoever's losing at the moment, then Lunch Money is probably not for you.

> Are the extension packs "Berr Money" and "Sticks and Stones"
> worth the time to go and buy?

Beer Money is a game in its own right, rather than an expansion. (That said, you can mix it with Lunch Money, but the deck would be huge!) It's very like Lunch Money (obviously), but it's different enough to be interesting.

Sticks and Stones is useful if you want to play LM with more than 4 players. (Lunch Money claims to be for 2-4 players, though we have regularly played it with 5-6 people and noticed no real problems.) It's also a good way of shaking up the traditional LM game. There's several really vicious cards in S&S, and they are good for refreshing a game that some have been playing for a long time.

If you've got Lunch Money and you enjoy it, you don't really need Beer Money or Sticks & Stones. BM is a good alternative to Lunch Money. S&S is a good purchase (or present!) for a group that's been playing LM for a while and wants the game to start throwing them curve balls. (S&S can be mixed with Beer Money too, but I haven't tried that.)

From: jdalton51 Posted on: 12/10/2004 9:54 pm
Message: 422.4
in reply to: 422.3

I am one of two females I know of that love love love Lunch Money. Sticks and Stones was an excellent add-on and I've got Beer Money wrapped and underneath the tree.

We keep buying additions to accomdate larger groups. Lunch Money is good for up to 6 people, but more than that and you are reshuffling the deck often.