Ars Magica ArM 5
From: Galerius Posted on: 11/24/2004 7:54 pm
Message: 426.1

I got my playtest copy of ArM 5 today!

Of course, as a playtester, the rules had few surprises. But I have to say, I'm very impressed with the graphic design! This book is going to be *much* easier to read and use than ArM 4.

From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 11/25/2004 7:23 am
To: Galerius
Message: 426.2
in reply to: 426.1
I'm waiting for mine. Needs to come to Australia though.
From: mithriel Posted on: 11/25/2004 7:27 am
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 426.3
in reply to: 426.2
Me too. With great impatience!
From: AngusGM Posted on: 11/25/2004 10:29 am
To: mithriel
Message: 426.4
in reply to: 426.3

Got mine yesterday. It looks quite good, very clean and easy to read. I am still working my way on through it, but overall I am quite happy. :)

Now we just gotta pump up the volume on the non-AM boards! :-D

From: WilliamEx Posted on: 11/25/2004 6:36 pm
To: AngusGM
Message: 426.5
in reply to: 426.4

Has anyone received their copy and live in Canada ?

I'm waiting for mine and getting worried that I shall not receive it in time for the game this week-end ...

From: B5Rebel Posted on: 11/28/2004 9:44 am
To: Galerius
Message: 426.6
in reply to: 426.5
What changed from the "playtest" version to the "final" version that surprised you?
From: Galerius Posted on: 11/29/2004 10:22 am
To: B5Rebel
Message: 426.7
in reply to: 426.6

There was a decision made to leave crossbows out of the core book. That surprised me. According to David Chart on the BerkList, the omission is not a mistake. It would be tricky to fit rules for reloading crossbows into the core initiative and group-combat rules, so the decision was made to leave the special crossbow rules for a later, more advanced supplement.

I was surprised at how much improved the organization and presentation of the book was. The introduction and Order of Hermes chapters are much more succinct, and the Mythic Europe chapter is much more evocative and useful, than in the playtest drafts. It is a whole lot easier to look up Abilities or Virtues and Flaws now that they're listed alphabetically.

From: B5Rebel Posted on: 11/29/2004 10:58 am
To: Galerius
Message: 426.8
in reply to: 426.7

I like the sound of the virtues and flaws being in an alphabetical list. Ideally I'd also like a short one page list of them, with a short (one sentence or less) description for quick reference, but I can always make that for myself if I need too.

Leaving the crossbow out does seem a little odd, but shouldn't be too hard to make house rules for until official ones are available.

If they left crossbows out because of reload issues, how do they handle that for shortbows and longbows?

From: Galerius Posted on: 11/29/2004 11:10 am
To: B5Rebel
Message: 426.9
in reply to: 426.8

// If they left crossbows out because of reload issues, how do they handle that for shortbows and longbows?

Regular bows just fire every round, at a time determined by the wielder's Initiaitve roll.

From: B5Rebel Posted on: 11/29/2004 11:30 am
To: Galerius
Message: 426.10
in reply to: 426.9
Sounds to me like a simple rule for crossbows would be they fire every other round for light crossbows and once every 3 rounds for heavy crossbows. Crossbow stats would have to be extrapolated. And for group combat you say the group size is smaller for attack purposes (assuming you can easily do that within the group rules of course).
From: niallchristi Posted on: 11/29/2004 9:03 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 426.11
in reply to: 426.5

Just responding to the question about delivery to Canada. I live in Vancouver, and my copy arrived today. And it looks gooooood...


From: AngusGM Posted on: 11/30/2004 11:17 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 426.12
in reply to: 426.11

Congrats on it showing up, Niall :-D

Now the discussions shall begin in earnest!

Overall I am very happy with the new edition. Oh, I have my quibbles, but they are not that significant (I have quibbles with every set of rules on the market -- the fun of being involved in rpgs and not actually trying to write one myself).

The advancement rules being consistent throughout is a huge advantage. The new spell guidelines are a godsend -- again, there is a direct move towards consistency. The combat rules are also interesting to me -- this is the first set of rpg rules that models well the notion that soldiers trained to act in a group are going to beat equally skilled fighters who do not work well as a team. Under these rules, yes, the Romans could beat the Celts, though Asterix might disagree ;)

I have seen a couple people (not on this list) talk about the fact that the current edition has fewer pages (about 10 less) than the previous edition; look at the two and you will see that 5th edition has a noticably smaller (but very readable!) typeface, so the amout of material is at least equal. That is good editing!

Kudos to David Chart! He had to contend with many different playtesters, each with their own agenda, and yet brought them all together to produce a superior product. For that he deserves the Labours of Herakles reward!

From: Kaiserbill2 Posted on: 12/28/2004 5:28 pm
To: Galerius
Message: 426.13
in reply to: 426.9
I seem to recall reading somewhere that crossbows had been outlawed by the pope at some point, except for use on crusade. Of course that may just be a popular myth as I cannot recall where I heard it.