Feng Shui Christmas adventure?
From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 12/4/2004 8:23 pm
Message: 433.1
Hey, it just occurred to me to wonder, has anyone run a demented Christmas-themed Feng Shui adventure? Fights during a Christmas parade, Santa-Claus-costumed mooks perhaps, what else might be good? A fight in a packed mall seems a must. Lots of decorations to abuse... Christmas trees in open areas to jump down to from a level above...

Edited 12/4/2004 8:26 pm ET by CCAMFIELD
From: prophet118 Posted on: 12/5/2004 3:33 am
Message: 433.2
in reply to: 433.1

well, the obvious movie to watch there is "Jingle all the Way"


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From: Queex Posted on: 12/5/2004 5:50 am
To: prophet118
Message: 433.3
in reply to: 433.2

I ran a festive session of a campaign once. The Santa in the mall was a tentacled demon. It doesn't get much more Feng Shui than that.

Oh, and one character was a famous professional wrestler. A shop full of action figures of him came to life and attacked the party.

From: prophet118 Posted on: 12/5/2004 11:14 am
To: Queex
Message: 433.4
in reply to: 433.3

hehe, sounds like a hoot...

id thought about doing something, but since my only group right now meets every other saturday, and we have like 2 games left on a "end of the world" scenario in werewolf..

the part that sucks is that they always vote for whos running next.... so far ive not made it to the runoffs..lol

3 times.. lol

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