Ars Magica 5E errata
From: CJNeum Posted on: 12/7/2004 8:37 pm
Message: 438.1

ObIntro: two thumbs up. I'll have to see how some of the rules actually work in play before I can make a fully informed judgement, but the rules certainly *look* like they're going to work better and I already know that I like some of the changes that don't involve number crunching. E.g. the new Realm rules and the superior position of the Divine, the idea of several Houses as Mystery Cults.

I presume the errata is going to get started somewhere soon, if it hasn't already.

Two glitches to begin:

1) The Bjornaer template says "...his score in Animal Ken only allows simple communication..." Actually, the template doesn't have a score in Animal Ken.

2) The study rules for summae say:
Quality and Level

This is not clear. What is the source quality for a summa when studying for a season? Is it...
a) Quality + Level
b) Quality or Level, whichever is better, or
c) Quality, and the inclusion of "and Level" is a mistake.

I'm betting on (b) or (c), if only because of all those Level 6 / Quality 21 Art summae that show up in the sample covenant libraries. There'd be no point in having them above Quality 15 if you got to add the level for study purposes. But which one, I don't know.

Craig Neumeier, LHN

From: JS07M378 Posted on: 12/12/2004 2:58 pm
Message: 438.2
in reply to: 438.1

I think this is a top notch release. To further the quality of the next printing...

pg. 88 the third line under the heading "Warping" gives a page reference of 67. It should be 167.