Ars Magica Hurt Body Level?
From: SimonFoston Posted on: 12/8/2004 10:21 pm
Message: 440.1


My copy of ArM5 arrived yesterday, and what I've been able to read so far I've liked very much. One question, though... it seems to me that while there is a Hurt (0) Body Level on the character sheet as per previous editions, there's no way to incur this sort of injury as minimal damage (anything in the 1-5 in excess of Soak range) automatically seems to inflict a Light Wound. I think the change is a good one, but is there something I'm missing regarding that Hurt Body Level?



From: caribet Posted on: 12/9/2004 3:41 am
To: SimonFoston
Message: 440.2
in reply to: 440.1

I think what you have missed is that there are in fact no Body Levels(*) for a character... that system is gone.

Instead if you take 1-5 pts of unsoaked Damage you suffer a Light Wound, 6-10 a Medium Wound etc.
You can accumulate any number of Light Wounds without becoming Medium Wounded, although each Light Wound gives you a cumulative -1 penalty on actions; ditto any number of Medium Wounds each giving a -3 penalty and any number of Heavy wounds each giving separate -5 penalties.
Of course, when the sum total penalty is too high, you become incapable...
You can't kill someone except with a single blow (though an incapacitated person can't resist despatch) (and someone staggering under massive wound penatlies has very low defence, so the attack excess is higher, and the so blows will cause more damage according to the combat formula).

After the battle, each wound (given time and treatment) heals independently. Hence, in the CrCo section on Healing, there are now separate and distinct spells to heal each severity of wound.

[* "no Body levels" - there is one legacy of the old system - your own spell-casting efforts may inflict wounds on you when you overflow Fatigue Levels. Whe that happens, you take one Wound whose severity is determined by the number of excess levels that can't be taken from Fatigue.]

From: mithriel Posted on: 12/9/2004 4:54 am
To: caribet
Message: 440.3
in reply to: 440.2

I have a French translation here: that corrects the little mistakes in the original sheet.

Though it's in French, you can probably figure out the correspondance in English. And if you have any doubt, please ask.

From: SimonFoston Posted on: 12/9/2004 10:29 pm
To: caribet
Message: 440.4
in reply to: 440.2
Actually, I'm perfectly well aware of how the injury system has changed - I think it would be hard to misinterpret. All that I'm really wondering is if the Hurt body level is just an error on the character sheet, or perhaps a condition that characters can reach after they've recovered from their injuries to some extent ("Okay, you've made your recovery roll for that Light Wound, you're now Hurt.")
From: mithriel Posted on: 12/10/2004 2:12 am
To: SimonFoston
Message: 440.5
in reply to: 440.4
I do think it is indeed an error.
From: caribet Posted on: 12/10/2004 3:56 am
To: SimonFoston
Message: 440.6
in reply to: 440.4
it's one of several errors on the PDF character sheet
From: niallchristi Posted on: 12/10/2004 1:54 pm
To: SimonFoston
Message: 440.7
in reply to: 440.1


*waves at Simon from several thousand miles away*

The error with wounds has been corrected in a character sheet produced by the Mad Irishman. You can download it at:



From: AngusGM Posted on: 12/11/2004 11:30 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 440.8
in reply to: 440.7
Gotta love Mad Irishman's work that way! :-D