Ars Magica Tremere still have a drinking problem?
From: qcifer Posted on: 12/9/2004 4:11 pm
Message: 441.1

It probably won't be revealed yet, maybe saving it for the True Lineages book, but does House Tremere still have vampires within its ranks? Or has that story been purged completely?

In 2nd and 3rd edition the rumor was suggested as a storyline. In 4th edition the rumor was confirmed, but all of the renegade Vampire wizards were put down by 1220 (except one or two if you wanted). I've seen no mention at all in 5th edition so far. Just curious if it will be an element at all.

From: JackdeMolay Posted on: 12/9/2004 11:03 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 441.2
in reply to: 441.1

What's the deal with the House Tremere? Why are Tremere magi so respected within the order while Tytalus magi are scorned?

Look at the history of House Tremere:
1. House Tremere tried to take over the entire Order and was only stopped by The Sundering.
2. House Tremere was the driving force behind The Schism War and was responsible for the destruction of House Diedne.
3. House Tremere may or may not have been taken over by Vampires at some point.
4. Tremere magi don't even allow their new magi to vote.

Look at the history of House Tytalus:
1. One small instance of Diabolism.

From: qcifer Posted on: 12/9/2004 11:41 pm
Message: 441.3
in reply to: 441.2

1. The Sundering is a myth, there never was any such thing. And even if there was, no one is alive now to remember it, and all such records are assuredly under careful scrutiny, away from those who'd get the wrong impression.

2. The Tremere would say that the Diedne were the driving force in the Schism War of course. They will take full credit for destroying them though, despite Flambeau's efforts.

3. Rumors, scandalous rumors!

4. They are entitled to use their vote wisely, what's more wise than consolidating voting power within a few trusted hands?


1. That they failed is the greater crime.

Edited 12/9/2004 11:42 pm ET by qcifer
From: enochian75 Posted on: 12/11/2004 4:44 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 441.4
in reply to: 441.3

History is written by the victor.

I'm completely new to Ars Magica (just picked up AM5 yesterday) but it seems obvious that House Tremere is manipulative of the others. It makes perfect sense that they have presented them thus.

From: marklawford Posted on: 12/12/2004 7:57 am
To: enochian75
Message: 441.5
in reply to: 441.4

Welcome aboard. Ars is a great game. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.


From: JackdeMolay Posted on: 1/1/2005 2:02 pm
Message: 441.6
in reply to: 441.4

History may be written by the victor, but I assumed that the core rule book would be written by an impartial author, but who knows maybe Mr. Chart is a Tremere? That would explain a lot.

PS. House Tytalus wasn't technically defeated, only the heads of the house, who were engaged in diabolism were hunted down. House Tremere wasn't man enough to take on the rest of us. ;-)