Ars Magica Items healing permanently?
From: qcifer Posted on: 12/9/2004 4:24 pm
Message: 442.1

Finished reading Calebais, cool stuff, I remember reading the 2nd ed. version awhile back. In it though was a magic item or two that were being permanently repaired through magic (one of its invested powers). Basically a CrTe 10 on a shield, with 2 uses a day and an environmental trigger (Sun). It would repair any damage or rust it sustained. I was just curious how that worked?

Would it have a cap for example? It heals some major damage one day, but since a CrTe Ritual wasn't performed, the damage is basically magically suppressed perpetually. If it takes more damage, will the enchantment be enough to heal it as well, basically healing 2+ wounds now?

This leads to the next question, making an item that heals the user permanently without (extra) Vis. Make a ring for example (which is ideal for perpetual effects) that heals wounds at Sun, like in the example above. Is the person basically going to be healed every day no matter how wounded he is?

Granted there are drawbacks of course. Those wounds will never permanently heal as long as they're being magically suppressed. If the ring is taken off or fails (enters into a place of Divine power that shuts it down, Wind of Mundane Silence etc), the wounds would appear and quite possibly kill the person. It's also probably a major magical effect, so it is likely to Warp the wearer over time.

If such an item were used though, what limits should be on it? Can it only heal a certain amount of each type of wound? Does it eventually fail? What would be the required lab total do you think?

From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 12/9/2004 5:19 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 442.2
in reply to: 442.1

As you point out the dangers are Warping and dispelling.

An effect of a particular level can only restore a particular level of damage. Once this is suppassed damage would begin to accululate again.

In the case of the shield, wrt rust, the spell might continually restore the surface; it just continually acts on the same material. However, imo with enough diverse punishment the effect's restorative capacity will be exceeded.


- David W

From: Astrius Posted on: 12/10/2004 5:20 am
To: spuwdsda2
Message: 442.3
in reply to: 442.2
Off the top of my head I can't recall what the specific rules are for spells failing at the end of their duration so I'm just going by how such things work in my campaigns, but another potential problem is that there will be a gap of a round between the spell failing and the new spell being cast. If too much damage has been sustained then an item will disintegrate or a person will die before the spell can be renewed.
From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 12/10/2004 5:52 am
To: Astrius
Message: 442.4
in reply to: 442.3

I believe the effect in question was an invested item. ArM5 replaced the neat 'Continual Effect' mod with an equivalent; duration Sun, twice per day, triggered effect (sunrise/sunset).

Iirc this explicitly says there is no gap.

Personally I think this form of 'Continual Effect' is akward and doesn't behave in a way I would wish.


- David W

From: qcifer Posted on: 12/10/2004 8:54 am
Message: 442.5
in reply to: 442.4
You need to use the extra levels for twice a day, and have an environmental trigger (Sun). It is continuous the, with no gap. Due to the warping this would inevitably cause (for a healing item) I don't have much of a problem with it, plus it's not truly healing. I also like thte fact that even if you keep healing someone using the actual rituals (Chirogeon's Healing Touch) or the spells that aid Recovery rolls, the target is likely to get warped also. It just shows the effects of magic well, and why many fear it even when it helps.