Card and Board Games Dungeoneer Rules Help and Custom Rules
From: Anifanatic Posted on: 12/11/2004 9:08 pm
Message: 444.1

First, a bit about myself and my freinds. We got into this game no longer than a week ago, and have played it numerous times since then. Our local game shop had two sets and we got both within days of each other. (We got the Vault of the Fiends first, then Tomb of the Lich King). We really got into the game (we've all played D&D from 2nd onwards, Magic, and a plethora of other RPGs and CCGs, such as Ars Magica :D)

We are, quite the rules lawyers (almost always objective ones for that matter), always arguing both sides and attempt to break every game (only to fix it up again later lol). Some questions that we had are listed below:

(1) do Warps trigger "When you enter this room" type effects? (Also, do those types of triggers get set off when the Dungeonlord moves a player into a room?)
(2) do my pack 'occupy' spaces? If I play Planar Rift (3 Peril. Instant Shift. Swap the positions of any 2 occupied dungeon Maps cards; they may be rotated. Heroes do not move with the maps).
I played that on two occupied spaces (one with a Hero and one with my pack), does this 'shift' my pack to the Hero?
3) When placing down Map Cards, the rules say "The first one has to be connecting and they have to be places consecutively" but do the 3 pieces have to connect to one another?
4) When does Dodge have to be played? Before the roll would be my guess, but then again , but not 100% sure. (Dodge, Anytime Instant Manuever, 1 Glory, Avoid all wounds and any additional efects from 1 Melee attack)
5) Items like Sword of fiendslaying, does it add +1 Melee AND +2 melee against fiends? (Providing a total bonus of +3)
6) Cloak of Phasing: How many times may this ability be used? As many times as you have glory for? And if this is used to (for example) move into the Flooded Chamber, does he not trigger the Threat?
7) If a hero gains more speed (From Leveling, or a Potion of Speed for example), does he retroactively gain more movement? For Example, the Hero spends his last movement to attempt a quest, and succeeds. He levels and gains more speed. Does he have one movement left over that he can save?
8) Do attachments take up space in your inventory? Technically they are (according to the updated rules) Readied because they are in effect, but I don't know if they count toward your treasure limit.

And some custom rules I would like to ask if you think they break the game, or add to it. We felt the Campaign was a little too dificult for the Heroes, so we added a few rules to balence it out. They're simple, and not gamebreaking...we hope.

* Group Glory: Glory gained from inflicting wounds to Monsters are put into the Group Glory chart. (Same chart as the Dungeonlord's Peril Card) This glory can be spent by any player in addition to their own.

* Knowledge: "The longer your in this dungeon, the more you get adjusted to it. You're more likely to take risks to get more Glory, but also know the area well enough to reduce the risk taken as well"

To represent this, during the Reset Phase: Heroes may lose one Peril, or Gain one glory.

Also, where can we throw suggestions for the game? (Such as the above custom rules, but more for new cards for sets?)
Edited 12/11/2004 9:27 pm ET by Anifanatic

Edited 12/11/2004 11:00 pm ET by Anifanatic
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 12/15/2004 2:15 pm
To: Anifanatic
Message: 444.2
in reply to: 444.1

Hi there. Unfortunately, I can't answer all your questions right now, but I wanted to point you to the Dungeoneer FAQ. It's at .

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Anifanatic Posted on: 12/15/2004 3:20 pm
Message: 444.3
in reply to: 444.2
I'm aware that there's a faq, and sadly none of my questions are answered there. =(
From: s1ave6 Posted on: 12/28/2004 3:50 pm
Message: 444.4
in reply to: 444.3

First off I know of the FAQ, and these issues are not there. ;)

First Question: Are there negative hit points?
For instance, your hero is at 1hp and I attack with my Gray Spider. The spider wins the Melee combat inflicting two (2) wounds (due to his special ability). You attempt to heal your hero by using a Potion of Rage (Recover one (1) life point).
Does the spiders attack put you at -1, meaning the healing would restore you to 0hp? OR, Does the spiders attack put you at 0, meaning the healing would restore you to 1hp and you live?

Second Question: Diversion against another Monster?
The Diversion card says: "Target attacking monster attacks another monster or hero in the same space instead of you."
Does these mean you may use the players monsters who is attacking you against one another?
For example, if player "A" is attacking player "B" with two monsters, can player "B" play Diversion to have one of the two monsters attack the other?

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 12/29/2004 12:32 pm
To: s1ave6
Message: 444.5
in reply to: 444.4

I wouldn't call it negative hit points so much as not healing enough to prevent the killing blow. I would definitely rule you dead in that situation.

Question 2 - absolutely, that's the primary use of Diversion, I think. :)

From: s1ave6 Posted on: 12/29/2004 1:28 pm
Message: 444.6
in reply to: 444.5
However, the rules state that you can only cause a number of wounds equal to the number of Hit Points a character or monster has. For example when gaining a reward for killing a monster that has One (1) hit point, you only gain One (1) point of Glory, even if you score Two (2) or more wounds on him.
So, if you are at One (1) hit point and a monster scores Two (2) wounds on you, that should put you at Zero Hit points. You then play an “Anytime” healing card to heal that One point of Damage restoring you to One (1) Hit Point.
From: Anifanatic Posted on: 12/29/2004 6:30 pm
Message: 444.7
in reply to: 444.6

I'd say that you can't, it's cheesing the game out a bit. I'd rule it this way:
during the resolution step, it checks damage, what dies and what lives. If you are at 0, you die (I'm going to say if you're at 1 and you take 2 damage, you only go to 0, not -1. So also, only one glory is gained, etc, since only one damage is delt).
If you play the Potion of Rage druing the resolution step, it's either before damage is delt, or after damage is and death tolls are calculated.

a) Play anytime cards
b) damage is caluclated, and dead are removed (This happens simultaneously, so you cannot play anything between when damage is calculted and when characters/monsters are removed from the board)
c) Play anytime cards
d) end phase

Edited 12/29/2004 6:38 pm ET by Anifanatic
From: s1ave6 Posted on: 12/31/2004 11:55 am
To: Anifanatic
Message: 444.8
in reply to: 444.7
I would agree with that order of resolution.
From: Anifanatic Posted on: 12/31/2004 2:00 pm
To: s1ave6
Message: 444.9
in reply to: 444.8
No problem at all, just helpin. Anytime :D
From: tldenmark Posted on: 12/31/2004 2:46 pm
To: s1ave6
Message: 444.10
in reply to: 444.4

Let me see if I can answer all these at once. Sorry I didn't answer them sooner but I was having a hard time accessing this forum. I HATE Delphi!!!

(1) do Warps trigger "When you enter this room" type effects?

Yes. You are "entering the room" after all.

(2) do my pack 'occupy' spaces?

Generally no: a pack does not occupy a space. A pack only occupies a space if you are playing with the wandering pack optional rule.

3) When placing down Map Cards, the rules say "The first one has to be connecting and they have to be places consecutively" but do the 3 pieces have to connect to one another?

Yes, that is the reason the word "consecutively" is used. Follow this rule unless it is impossible to do so.

4) When does Dodge have to be played?

It does not affect the die roll, so it would be a waste to use it before the dice are rolled. Wait to see whether or not the attack was successful.

5) Items like Sword of fiendslaying, does it add +1 Melee AND +2 melee against fiends? (Providing a total bonus of +3)


6) Cloak of Phasing: How many times may this ability be used?

Unfortunately the term "limit once per turn" was left off, so there is no limit. The card is slightly more powerful than it should be for its cost, but it doesn't break the game.

7) If a hero gains more speed (From Leveling, or a Potion of Speed for example), does he retroactively gain more movement?

Technically you only get movement points during Reset phase. The most common house rule is that yes you get the movement points (which is how I play).

8) Do attachments take up space in your inventory?

No. Only permanents take up space.

First Question: Are there negative hit points?

Yes you can have a negative score (this applies to melee/magic/speed as well). The rule you are referring to specifically applies to the Glory/Peril reward limit for inflicting wounds, not whether your actual score can be negative.

Second Question: Diversion against another Monster?

Yes, that is the point of the card!

Hope this helps and happy Dungeoneering! You can also go to the Yahoo Dungeoneer fan group here:


From: s1ave6 Posted on: 12/31/2004 2:55 pm
To: tldenmark
Message: 444.11
in reply to: 444.10
My first question was never about negative scores such as Melee or Magic. Having certain effects that essentially subtract from your die roll resulting in a negative score is understood. My question was about negative Hit Points (see my original post for an example). Though Anifanatic seemed to come up with a good resolution to this, I am still interested in what your thoughts are.
From: Anifanatic Posted on: 1/1/2005 10:19 pm
Message: 444.12
in reply to: 444.11

He mentions that your HP AND your Attributes can go into negatives. You overlooked just a bit there, no problem. If that's the case, then it still works fine.

edit: oh yeah, delphi forums suck =/

Edited 1/1/2005 10:20 pm ET by Anifanatic
From: s1ave6 Posted on: 1/8/2005 12:24 am
Message: 444.13
in reply to: 444.12
When using a shift card that allow you to relocate (not swap) a map card, what happens with the original location? If the original location was on the end of the dungeon, nothing would need to be fixed, but what if the card you are relocating is somewhere in the center of your dungeon? By relocating this card you end up with a “hole” in the dungeon and in turn create a section of the dungeon that can’t be accessed.
The Shift cards that allow this type of movement state that the map card must be “legally placed”, but states no rules for the removal of the map card. And by ruling that you can only use this type of Shift card if by doing so does not create an illegal map section, really limits the cards usage.
Any thoughts?
From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 1/13/2005 9:16 am
To: s1ave6
Message: 444.14
in reply to: 444.13

I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to move a map card if doing so would invalidate part of the dungeon.

An idea I came up with but have never tried is to move map cards the same way that you move groups in Illuminati: if there are map cards connected to the dungeon only through the card you are moving, then they move too. They must keep the same relative position to the card you are moving, and they must fit in the appropriate new location, but you could move a branch of the dungeon elsewhere as a result.

From: s1ave6 Posted on: 1/13/2005 7:02 pm
Message: 444.15
in reply to: 444.14

There is a card type called a “Shift”, these cards allow you to relocate map cards to new locations. Some allow you to relocate map cards and others allow you to swap two map cards. There is even an Artifact card of boots that will not allow the map card you are currently on to be affected by “Shift” cards.

I think the idea about moving a whole branch of the dungeon would probably cause even more problems with trying to make it all fit and be legal not to mention making shift cards too powerful. Good idea though.

Thanks anyway.
Any one else have any ideas about this?

Edited 1/13/2005 7:07 pm ET by s1ave6
From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 1/13/2005 7:12 pm
To: s1ave6
Message: 444.16
in reply to: 444.15

"There is a card type called a “Shift”, these cards allow you to relocate map cards to new locations. Some allow you to relocate map cards and others allow you to swap two map cards. There is even an Artifact card of boots that will not allow the map card you are currently on to be affected by “Shift” cards."

I know that. I have and have played Vault of the Fiends. :)

It may be in the rules, FAQ or errata or a question that Mr. Denmark answered on the mailing list - I don't remember that - but I am sure that you are not allowed to use such cards to invalidate the dungeon. If a card is positioned such that moving it would invalidate part of the dungeon, you aren't allowed to move that card.

The same is also true of Dimensional Rift; you are not allowed to swap a particular combination of cards if that would cause part of the dungeon to become cut off from the rest.

From: tldenmark Posted on: May-25 2:13 am
To: s1ave6
Message: 444.17
in reply to: 444.13

You may not create a stranded space, or stranded section of map. Ever.

This most certainly falls under the "legal location" rule.