I'd say the answer would be "no". I'm guessing the rule was intended to give a +1 AV to a player who took the time to roleplay studying his intended target and putting in extra research. If a player goes through the trouble of that, then yeah, I'll give him a +1, no problem. Automatically giving +1 AV to any spell targetting the caster just because he happens to know his own name and birthday smacks a bit of rules abuse. If a player got really obstinate about it, then I'd allow it with some limitations: a) It only works with Divination sorcery... and possibly Summoning. b) It only works *ONCE* and thereafter, you no longer get the +1 for that particular target. Either that or after the first time, I start penalizing the sorcerer -1 AV every time he tries to use it again for "boring repetition". Or, for the ultimate GM tit-for-tat... if the player doesn't take special steps to ensure his name and birth records remain out of public records, then every single NPC sorcerer/demon/file clerk he runs into will conveniently know enough about him to get a +1 AV as well.