Ars Magica A book on Parma
From: qcifer Posted on: 12/16/2004 11:40 am
Message: 451.1

I present to you a book on Parma, and some rulings that I will be incorporating into my soon to be started campaign. My players have a Spring Covenant and decided to have a rather small library, and more vis. Reflecting that they took more points in Summa for Hermetic Abilities, which seem to be more useful now in this edition, and will stury Vis more for now for their Arts. Reflecting this they bought the best book on Parma they could. Here is the book and some rulings I have made regarding it.

Trianoma's Balm (Parma Summa Level 8 Quality 11, 35 Build Points)

Attributed to have been written from Trianoma's texts which she gave as gifts to such luminaries as Tytalus, Flambeau and Guernicus, this book is often seen as a staple text in many Covenants throughout Europe. It is doubtful that these are copies of the original text, as the book is practically worthless if one does not already know the basics of the Parma learned from one's Master.

There are a few rules regarding this text, as it contains the greatest secrest of the Order in an easy to read fashion. It is a Low Crime to allow anyone who has not taken the Oath to copy this text, the Crime being commited is either to the book's actual owner, or the Covenant where the book resides as appropriate. The punishment is often the destruction of the copier (or his memories) as well as a fine in Vis of up to 5 Pawns. It is an equal Low Crime to allow the book to be read by anyone who has not taken the Oath. It is a Low Crime to transport the book through purely mundane means (ie not in the possesion of a Magus, not locked or protected with spells, or not placed in secured transportation facilities that are enchanted). Punishment for such a crime is often 3 to 5 pawns of Vis. It is a Low Crime for this book to be out of a Magus or Covenant's possesion (ie stolen by Mundanes or others). Punishment requires the returning of the book, the destruction of the offenders (the robbers), and a fine up to 10 pawns of Vis. A possible Quaesitorial investigation might be required depending on the circumstances of the robbed individuals. If a Hedge wizard should obtain the book, the Hedge Wizard must be destroyed immediately, and a Quaesitorial investigation could lead to High Crimes to be placed on the Magus or Magi who allowed this to happen.

Due to these rulings, Magi will often enchant such books or put Waiting Wards on them to protect the book and themselves. A sample spell Laboratory Text might even be included such as listed below (as well as Tribunal Rulings and Peripheral Code excerpts regarding the text):

Destruction of the Purloined Book
PeAn 15 R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual

When cast on a book the book is destroyed immediately, reducing it to a mass of pulpy ash. This spell is almost always used in conjunction with a Watching Ward, a typical trigger is for the Destruction spell to be put on hold until someone opens the book that does not have on an active Parma.

Other spells may cause a more retributive effect, such as an explosion of flame that consumes the book and damages or kills the opener. This is not as popular when nosy apprentices are in the Covenant.

In my saga there is a Quaesitor who will be bringing this book with him and have full knowledge of its ramifications, the other players will have to get such info from him or their own research.