Ars Magica Uses for Mari's GtDS don't match form
From: FujiYakumo Posted on: 12/21/2004 10:17 pm
Message: 457.1

Hey there all. First time poster, having only been reviewing the forum for a few days. Unfortunately, there appear to be NO copies of 5ed out in Hawai`i, but I' trying to get a feel for what it's like. So far, seems like a very mixed bag to me, with a shift towards a "higher" magic environment than before.

Anyway, the point of this post- Mari of Merinita's Grasping the Distant Slingstone. Both the character's and the spell's description mention its use to grab shorn body parts or equipment to use as arcane connections. Now, in as far as shed blood might be on metal items, fine, but I have a couple of problems with the spell:

1) In so far as only grabbing pieces of body- skin, blood, or hair; unless the forms rules have changed immensley in the 5th ed, this ReTe spell just can't do it. Even if it's clothing that blood has spilled on, given that most clothing is either an animal or plant product, again the spell just shouldn't work.

2) Now this is more a matter of impression, but if the object must be one that can be "thrown by a normal person", those items don't seem to fit. Sure, you can make a throwing motion, but unless it's a tangled bit of hair with some mass, I really don't see it actually being thrown, as opposed to tossed just little away from the hand before the air resistance gets a hold. Again, just a matter of impression there.

Now, adding a corpus study and casting requisite would let her pull only the dirt clumped up by fallen blood, which would possibly be useful if she didn't have anything to contain still liquid blood.

Anway, some largely technical thoughts.

From: caribet Posted on: 12/22/2004 9:37 am
To: FujiYakumo
Message: 457.2
in reply to: 457.1

1) "Terram" is, in principle, capable off applying some of its effects to any form which approximates it.
Compare the standard sling-shot spell and the grasping hand/Unseen Porter.

If the action of the spell is a generic "move", and you buy up the base GL effect "move dirt" by +2 to "move gems etc", you can move any solids without extra requisites.
OK, blood is stretching it as it's technically still liquid, but as a minor aspect of a general move spell, it's ok.

You can insist on requisites in your saga, if you wish, but core 5e does not require them.

2) it doesn't say "can be thrown *far*" just "thrown". The spell does the actual movement - teh spell guidelines define the effect, and the rest is flavour text.

From: daoc2k Posted on: 12/22/2004 4:37 pm
To: caribet
Message: 457.3
in reply to: 457.2
I beleive in our campaign, we will need the requisits to move anything other than just dirt
From: Hwhnn Posted on: 12/22/2004 5:10 pm
Message: 457.4
in reply to: 457.3
Damn straight you will need requisites. And a fiver thrown in for good measure won't hurt either.