Ars Magica Character Sheet
From: Akugan Posted on: 12/22/2004 4:04 pm
Message: 458.1

Will there be a black and white only character sheet for easier printing available for download? (No, I'm not talking gray-scale here.)

Thanks in advance,

From: icote Posted on: 12/22/2004 4:08 pm
Message: 458.2
in reply to: 458.1

Try this one:

From: WilliamEx Posted on: 12/31/2004 9:04 pm
To: icote
Message: 458.3
in reply to: 458.2

Two thing would be nice to find on a caracter sheet. Space for 40+ abilities & a seperate sheet for grimoire only both of these requirement in the same project.

Ars has a way after some time to uncore an impressive number of skills & formulaic spells.

A special spot for the Talisman could also be nice since in the 5th ed it is going to be more used than in the previous editions.

Anyone else agrees ?