Ars Magica Post your 5e Magus
From: qcifer Posted on: 12/23/2004 4:04 pm
Message: 460.1

Let's take a look at the magi you may have created using the new rules so far. I'm the alpha ST in the Saga I'm in, so my character is designed to be a bit more behind the scenes and scholarly, so he doesn't get much notice in the game, as well as be able to provide some help to the new players uncertain of the game and magic in general.

Name: Vulcantus (WOOL-can-toos)
House: Verditius
Tribunal: Rhine
Covenant: To be named later
Birth name: Rutger (der Maurer 'The Mason')
Year born: 1195
Age: 25
Size: 0
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Handedness: Left
Confidence 1/3

Intelligence (Logical) +5
Perception (Eye for detail) +1
Strength 0
Stamina (Tireless) +1
Presence (Unkempt) -1
Communication 0
Dexterity 0
Quickness 0

Speak German: crafting terms 5, Awareness: technical flaws 3, Folk Ken: laborers 2, Craft Carpentry: structures 4, Craft Mason: fortresses 4, Artes Liberales: geometry 2, Profession Architect: fortresses 2, Latin: building terms 4, Magic Theory: inventions 4 (+2), Parma Magica: corpus 1, Philosophiae: ritual magic 1, Finesse: moving things 1

The Gift: free, Verditius Magic: free, Skilled Parens: minor, Major Magical Focus-Ranges of Boundary, Room, and Structure: major, Puissant Arts-Terram: minor, Inventive Genius: minor, Great Characteristic Intelligence (x2): minor, Educated: minor, Puissant Ability-Magic Theory: minor
Slow Caster: minor, Weird Magic: minor, Careless Sorceror: minor, Deficient Form-Imaginem: minor, Deletrious Circumstances-Not in Magic Aura: minor, Favors: major, Covenant Upbringing: minor, Compulsion-Tinkering: minor

Creo 0 Intelligo 0 Muto 8 Perdo 0 Rego 8
Animal 0 Aquam 0 Auram 0 Corpus 0 Herbam 8
Ignem 0 Imaginem 0 Mentem 0 Terram 8(+3) Vim 8

Spells (Verditian foci included):
Aegis of the Hearth lv 25 (+29) Detailed maps of the boundary.
Wizard's Communion lv 25 (+18) A right triangle 3 paces by 4 by 5, the wizards stand within it.
Maintaining the Demanding Spell lv 25 (+18) A plum bob.
The Unseen Porter lv 10 (+21) A coin purse, with a coin in it.
Rock of Viscid Clay lv 15 (+21) A lump of clay.
Wall of Thorns lv 20 (+10) A few thorns.
Lifting the Dangling Puppet lv 15 (+10) Small length of twine.
Pit of the Gaping Earth lv 15 (+13) A small pick

Magic Sigil: Spells are geometrically precise. The Wall of Thorns has exact right angles and dimensions, the Unseen Porter lifts and moves objects precisely 2 paces and parallel to the ground, The Rock of Viscid clay effects a perfect sphere or cube of earth.

Voting Sigil: A Plum Bob, the dangling part is an ornamental sphere with the symbol or House Verditius, a hand with a ring on each digit.

Rutger was raised in the covenant of Durenmar initially, the son of the resident mason there. That mason was called by the Verditian Magus Alexius der Cracker to accompany him to Verdi in the Roman Tribunal, for the contest of the best devices. The mason brought his son with, not realizing that his son (Rutger) was the prize as a future apprentice in a long standing bet between two Verditian magi. Stuutgard of Verdi won the bet and a new apprentice. Rutger recieved a classical education as well as continued training in his father's craft of masonry, architecture, and the necessary carpentry. It was only when he was 10 years old that he actually started being taught magic, though he'd been around it all his life.

His Parens hoped to instill in his filius the magical craft of enchanting entire buildings and structures, as well as hopes that one day he would help revive the mostly lost art of Sacred Geometry that the Mercurian magi so often used. In this he was partially succesful. Rutger, now known as Vulcantus, in deference to the godly craftsman of Olympus is known for his great potential and ability with the powerful ritual spells involving structual ranges, such as the boundary of a place. He's also very well skilled in the mundane arts that lend great power in the lab for his Verditian craft. He displays a natural genius and superlative ability to grasp hermetic concepts, something his Parens is very proud of. For his Gauntlet he created a door that provided magical resistance to mundane opening, as well as protecting the room inside from fire and smoke.

Like many Verditius magi though, his grasp of spell casting is flawed, heavily. His casting is laborious and slow. This comes from his intense fear of botching the spell, which tends to produce results both spectular or strange, sometimes both. Imaginem is a concept he's never fully grasped, his Parens and he feel it is because he is too focused on the concrete and tangible. Not that he isn't creative, but to make images in the air itself is foreign to him. Due to his lifelong existance in one Covenant or another he's had some major issues. For one, his magic is remarkably weaker when outside a magical aura as he's become so used to the natural boost and benefit of such surroundings. Second, he is a baptized Christian, though he often reveres pagan gods and holidays, as well as other pagan observances. He has problems seeing that that should be such an issue to people, as well as their attitude in general towards magi. He often has to test and play with things around him, disassembling them and trying to reassemble it better, and often fails, a trait he's picked up both from his father and his Parens. Finally, now that he's graduated, he realizes the full extent of the deal made between his Parens and father. He needed to return to Germany to continue to do some of his father's work, meaning he occasionally has to do architectural projects (building of castles and defenses usually) for the nobles and church of Germany. In order to avoid breaking the Code, he must do this in a completely Mundane way, not using any magic unless an emergency arise, and only able to use his Parma. He needs to spend entire seasons at times traveling by mundane means to distant parts of German land holdings to supervise castle construction and walls. What upsets him further, is that unlike living in a Covenant, his whims are not made reality by eager covenfolk, and often he has to put up with petty bureacrats, nobles, and others too stringy with the purse strings.

Now he has moved to the village of Kroytsau, where he and some fellow young magi have gathered to try and make a covenant amidst the ruins and haunted hills nearby. He is also trying to gain membership at Durenmar and Verdi, though it is unlikely he'll be invited for some time to say the least.

Edited 12/25/2004 10:08 am ET by qcifer

Edited 12/26/2004 4:53 pm ET by qcifer
From: StevePettit Posted on: 12/24/2004 4:29 pm
Message: 460.2
in reply to: 460.1

Unfortunately, we have no "straight up" 5th Ed. Magi in the Nurockrah Saga. We're in the process of converting our 4th Edition Magi over to 5th, and it's not particularly an easy task...
