Ars Magica Casting Sigils and items
From: Tiamur Posted on: 12/23/2004 4:36 pm
Message: 461.1
When a magi uses an item to create an effect, does thier casting Sigil show up on the effect, or is it just the Sigil of the item's creator? Will InVi investigations on a effect show who used the item to create the effect, and not just who created the item.
From: qcifer Posted on: 12/23/2004 4:48 pm
Message: 461.2
in reply to: 461.1
I'd have to say that the sigil, if any, of a magic device would be the creator's not the wielder's. Since the sigil is an essential part of a Magus's Arts, to try and suppress it would likely either lower your lab total or raise the effect level. Let me add that Sigils can also be Arcane Connections, so they can be investigated, and should be a part of a magic item.

Edited 12/23/2004 4:50 pm ET by qcifer
From: Hwhnn Posted on: 12/23/2004 11:05 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 461.3
in reply to: 461.2

Sigil would be creator, not caster as the magic comes from the device, not the user of the device. For example, a command word wand can be used by a grog with no Gift and thus no sigil.

You cannot suppress your sigil as it is a part of the essential nature of a thing.

"Let me add that Sigils can also be Arcane Connections, so they can be investigated, and should be a part of a magic item."

Let's not confuse the physical sigil with the "mystical sigil". The physical sigil is an arcane connection. The mystical sigil is not, although it may give a clue (and sometimes quite a substantial one at that) to who cast a spell. Intellego Vim ftw. A maga's mystical sigil is always part of the items that he creates.