Ars Magica Tech and Form Questions
From: StevePettit Posted on: 12/24/2004 2:37 pm
Message: 462.1

For all those out there:

What level would you use for a perdo spell that didn't inflict wounds, but raw damage (instead of a light/medium/heavy/incap. wound, +X damage) instead? I'm one for applying guidelines from other techs and forms (I would use the Creo Ignem guidelines, FWIW) but wanted to see what others thought...


From: qcifer Posted on: 12/26/2004 12:29 pm
Message: 462.2
in reply to: 462.1

Kind of a tough one. To inflict straight damage like you're suggesting would mean that the target would get a soak roll, which doesn't seem to be part of the Perdo magic way. I guess the point is, why would you settle for doing +25 damage, when you can cast a level 30 spell and just kill him outright?

To try and answer it though, use the existing spells as a guideline. A size 0 person takes a Light wound on damage exceeding soak of up to +5, armor wouldn't help. According to the chart, inflicting a Light wound is only a level 5 spell. A spell variation of the Wound that weeps is level 15, you could say the same for this, R: Voice D: Momentary T: Individual, it does +5 damage, which is enough to score a light wound on most men. However, since it is damage, their soak could come into it, meaning if they had a 3 or 4 Sta and the Tough Virtue they might soak it, though the damage is rolled with a stress die. Now before you get overboard and roll a bunch of 1s on damage doing a total roll of 45 altogether, remember that a level 5 spell (which is the base of this) can do ONE Light wound. So even if you rolled very high, you should be limited to doing one Light Wound. And if you rolled very low, you might not do anything.

For a spell that causes more damage and is likely to cause a Medium wound we make a spell that's level 20. The Base is 10 (enough to cause a medium wound) and add 2 levels for Voice range. A size 0 man takes a Medium wound on damage 6-10 above his soak. So a +10 damage spell is appropriate for that. The same applies, only one Medium Wound should be inflicted no matter how high you rolled.

A Heavy Wound spell has a level of 25, add two levels to a base of 15 for Voice range and deal out +15 damage, with the same restrictions.

An Incapacitating spell would be 30, add two levels to base of 20 and deal out +20 damage.

To Kill someone outright through damage, that's the spell I believe you're thinking of though. Where you just dish out enough damage to likely kill or severely wound someone. To kill someone is a base 30, add two levels for voice range (40), and do +25 damage. The average man dies on a damage roll of 21 or more over their soak, so you're likely to wipe them out with this spell, and if you don't they'll likely be heavily wounded at the very least.

It's not a very good trade off in all honesty, if I'm figuring this right. You can roll damage and get a maximum of the stated wound, or you could merely cast a different spell and guarentee that kind of wound assuming they don't have magic resistance.

A better offensive Perdo spell might be one that causes multiple wounds of the same kind. Let me design one or two and see what it looks like.

Withering Hail of Arcane Arrows PeCo lv 40
R: Sight D: Momentary T: Group

The wizard waves his hand in a wide arc, encompassing all offending targets in his sight. Invisible bolts of magic race at the targets, piercing their vitals and causing tremendous pain. Each target effected by the spell recieves a Heavy wound. Grintis of Bjornaer's version of this spell looks like the wounds were caused by falcon's claws, as fits with his Sigil and Heartbeast.
(base 15 +3 Range, +2 Target)

Aprimor's Scourge PeCo General
R: Voice D: Momentary T: Individual

Often used when a magus needs to intimidate or interrogate someone, the wizard curses at the target and causes impressive bleeding wounds on the recipent. They are impressive but not particularly damaging. This is a General spell inflicting one Light Wound, with a base of 15, add 1 level for each extra Light Wound that you wish to inflict. The limit has to be set when the spell is designed for how many wounds will ultimately be caused.
(base 5 +2 for Range, +1 for each additional Light Wound)

Let me know if this helps you.

From: Draco Posted on: 12/28/2004 4:41 am
To: qcifer
Message: 462.3
in reply to: 462.2
As I understand this, you simply can't do damage that way with a PeCo spell. +x damage is inflicted by attacking the body with something (be it a flame, a spear or whatnot), and PeCo does away with this - it simply causes the injury. After all, how would armour protect against such magic? And you've allready figured in size in the level of the spell...