Ars Magica Crossbows?
From: BenChessell Posted on: 12/27/2004 3:57 am
Message: 465.1
Reading my way through the new edition and generally happy to see the thought that's gone into it. The first thing that occurs to me is where are crossbows? In general use in Europ from the late tenth century (at least) but no statistics or skill (maybe it's Bows but the book doesn't say so) for them. Or am I missing something?
From: FujiYakumo Posted on: 12/27/2004 12:05 pm
To: BenChessell
Message: 465.2
in reply to: 465.1
Check the "ArM 5" thread which (currently) has a last post of Nov 30.
From: BenChessell Posted on: 12/28/2004 1:31 am
To: FujiYakumo
Message: 465.3
in reply to: 465.2
right, thanks, how odd