Ars Magica What about a Prequel
From: elfabio Posted on: 12/31/2004 1:28 pm
Message: 476.1
Is there any chance that we will see a book on the time just before the war with the Diedne House?
From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 12/31/2004 3:45 pm
To: elfabio
Message: 476.2
in reply to: 476.1

I'd be very surprised.

You might well see more details of that time in the House books however.


- David W

From: JackdeMolay Posted on: 1/8/2005 7:16 pm
To: spuwdsda2
Message: 476.3
in reply to: 476.2

It seems very unlikely. I've read that they only want to focus on the current setting, not anything past or future.

Maybe someone will write an adventure where the leaders of the house come out of fairyland, avalon, or wherever the heck they went.

That would be cool. Come back and kick some Tremere/Flambeau butt.

From: Jarkman Posted on: 1/8/2005 9:10 pm
To: JackdeMolay
Message: 476.4
in reply to: 476.3

'Tis a pity - Would be interesting to have some official support to play in the wilder, early days of the Order. Then again, whenever a company tries to do this with a setting (WW Dark Ages, WotC/TSR and 'Arcane Age' Forgotten Realms) it almost doubles the amount of support material needed to play and is often only a subset of the main line's market.

Ars is already pretty much of a small subset of the market - I can't see how this would be that viable financially. I'd rather they concentrate on the main setting than risk the line.


From: haakonolav Posted on: 1/8/2005 11:45 pm
To: JackdeMolay
Message: 476.5
in reply to: 476.3
Well Tytalus dissappeared in Maddenhofenwald in the 9th century, he could always return (in fact it was the premise for an end-times campaign for Mage that I never got to GM).
From: B5Rebel Posted on: 1/9/2005 10:15 am
Message: 476.6
in reply to: 476.5
Well my current saga is set in 1001 AD so a little more information on playing a Diedne Mage would be nice. Other than that I'm winging it anyway since I had the remenants of two covenants combine and travel via Viking longship to Vinland (North America) to avoid the troubles their elders see brewing.
From: JackdeMolay Posted on: 1/9/2005 2:41 pm
To: Jarkman
Message: 476.7
in reply to: 476.4

<<Ars is already pretty much of a small subset of the market - I can't see how this would be that viable financially. I'd rather they concentrate on the main setting than risk the line.>>

This is exactly the reason that Mr. Chart, I believe, said that they had no plans for a Renaissance book, or anything outside of the canonical geography and time frame.

The best possibility would be for something like the Black Monks of Glastonbury, just insert Deidne instead of diabolists.

Edited 1/9/2005 2:47 pm ET by JackdeMolay
From: ArtOfMagic Posted on: 1/30/2005 1:52 pm
Message: 476.8
in reply to: 476.7

I want roman and greek resource book, I want to conquer persia in Alexander's army! I want to make huge rituals with cult of Mercury.

If you write a book in history, why not go all the way? 100 years, too little!