Ars Magica Realms vs Essential Nature
From: WilliamEx Posted on: 1/10/2005 1:24 pm
Message: 487.1

In infernal, magical, dominion & fey Realms the nature of things is different.

In the mundane realm you can't create a mom creature that is not attuned with the realm. If you were to cast a ritual to create a dog in a magical realm, a mundane dog, would the ritual work ? Would it require a ritual to create a magically attuned dog ?

From: WilliamEx Posted on: 1/12/2005 1:27 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 487.2
in reply to: 487.1
I really need help on this one. essential nature is a new thing now that is well defined I think but I need to know how to work it thru the other realms ...
From: FujiYakumo Posted on: 1/12/2005 7:32 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 487.3
in reply to: 487.2

I'm away from my books right now, but I'm not quite sure what you are saying, or more to the point, I'm not quite sure where you are getting it from.

By my understanding, if you wish to create a mundane creature that will continue after the spell is done, you cast a CrAn ritual with any necessary requisites that are not vim (perdo for poisonous creatures, terram for underground dwellers, aurum for brids, etc...). If you wish to create a magical creature, you must add a vim requisite on top of the others and the level must be higher than the creatures magical might score.

Unless I missed it, the realms do not effect your ability to do any of this except in so far as they effect spell casting generally. Also, I could see an interesting story where an aura touches a mundane creature in some way, or where a non-magical aura taints a magical creature (infernal auras may truly taint them, in the subjective judgmental sense), but there is no mechanical requirement for such.

Now it is possible I missed something, so let me know where you got the idea that it worked differently from.

From: WilliamEx Posted on: 1/12/2005 8:00 pm
To: FujiYakumo
Message: 487.4
in reply to: 487.3

Hmm you are right... There are guidelines to creating a magical creatures but no examples.

Thing is could a magical dog created to be as a mundane dog but with a CrMe panic of the trembling hearth be of duration MOM in a ritual ?

Or can hermetic magic only create mundane things in a MOM fasion ?

From: FujiYakumo Posted on: 1/12/2005 8:14 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 487.5
in reply to: 487.4

> Hmm you are right... There are guidelines to creating a magical creatures but no examples.

True, but just figure that overall, lvl=max might score, and you have to modify magnitude up for each power (fire breathing). Rule of thumb it for now. I could see them doing a small write up with more, or not.

For 4th ed examples, take a look at Sanctuary of Ice, Greater Alps Tribunal. There was a magus statted out who specialised in making magical creatures, and I BELIEVE they listed some spells (rituals) and creatures.

> Thing is could a magical dog created to be as a mundane dog...

This is where I get confused by your question. When you create the individual, you create it then and there as a magical creature or a mundane creature. If you want the creature to doing anything a mundane creature cannot as an innate ability, you're going to have to make it magical.

> ... but with a CrMe panic of the trembling hearth be of duration MOM in a ritual ?

Any creature that you want to exist naturally in the world (including magical creatues) such that it does not need the spell to remain active to stay alive, must be created with a creo ritual of momentary duration. See above if you want a dog like creature to be able to effect people's minds magically. (And don't forget, if you want to scare animals as well, you'll need a corresponding animal effect).

> Or can hermetic magic only create mundane things in a MOM fasion ?

The rules are pretty clear that they can create magical creatures, it just has the vim requisite plus any other applicable requisites for the powers + any requisites that would apply to a like mundane creature (a small mass flying dragon- one that flies by using wings, not magic- is magical, but you would likely still need a aurum requisite same as a mundane small mass flying creature).

I can't remember if the rules allow for "creating" faeries using the appropriate element in 5th ed. If not, that may still open, at least for the faerie magic mystery, but I use quotes around creating because it might be more a matter of summoning an unformed, already existing faery spirit and, well, forming/molding it.

Edited 1/12/2005 8:19 pm ET by FujiYakumo