OK, I'm sorry to be the one to do this, but... I'm seriously NOT into BUHK. Out of 96 pages, there were roughly six that had anything of use to me. Not to freak out anyone at Atlas, honestly. There are few people who love Feng Shui as much as I, and most products they put out for it are useful. Some are flat-out fantastic. But not this one. The thing is, it's basically a frickin' tour guide. There are pages and pages AND PAGES of description, but only of boring real-world stuff. Airports, parks, buildings, shopping malls, etc etc. This is like a watered-down Fodor's Guide or something, guys. Seriously, do I need a list of names for HK's Health Care Districts and Hospitals? It's a GAME, man, I'm just gonna make some crap up if I need a hospital nearby. I could get more for my money by buying the "Let's Go Travel Guide - Hong Kong" in my local Border's. I buy rpg supplements for the rpg material, and guys, there just isn't enough gaming material here. I had to wade through pages to find some useful tidbits, like monster descriptions or a few measly fu schticks. I really like the vehicle modifications section, but I'm upset that I basically paid $20 for those two pages of useful material. Even when there was some promising material, it wasn't given useful stats. There is a whole page dedicated to describing the typical cars and types of boats in Hong Kong... how about some Pep and Wreck guidelines for them? (There's even a brief explanation of Pep & Wreck on the next page; so why would they bother to explain it, then not offer stats in their own material??) Anyway, I'll shut up now. I'm sure for as much as I dislike this book, there'll be five guys telling me what a wonderful supplement it is. I just had to offer up my two coins' worth. I'm greatly looking forward to "Glimpse of the Abyss" to wash the taste of BUHK from my palate.
Edited 2/26/2005 11:58 pm ET by Sensei (Sensei22)