Ars Magica Some Faerie Magic spells
From: qcifer Posted on: 1/13/2005 5:11 pm
Message: 492.1

Any ideas for some Faerie Magic spells? One of my players is running a Merinita, and a little dry on ideas. Here's one or two I've come up with.

The Tireless Nighttime Servant 60 (Ritual)
ReHe with a Cr, In, Pe, An and Te Requisite
R: Sight T: Boundary D: Condition

The magus casts a ritual over plowed and sown fields in his sight. Once the ritual is cast, the condition is set. In this case the Condition is that no one look upon or observe the fields at night, once the moon has reached its zenith and until dawn. At those times the spell will take effect, meticulously tending the fields, pulling weeds, maintaining and/or harvesting the crops, and extinguishing vermin and other pests. When the crops are fully grown they will be harvested neatly and set aside to be gathered by the light of day. The magic of this powerful spell fades though should so much as one mortal witness it at work.

Base 5 +3 Range, +4 Target, +4 Duration
(inspired by the shoemaker elves who work at night unobserved)

The Haunted Path 35
R: Road T: Group D: Moon

Inspires feelings of dread and paranoia to all who traverse the path that the spell is cast upon. Brave Personality traits are typically rolled halfway along the path at a difficulty of 9+ to continue further (or magical assistance/resistance). Often cast on a path leading to a Maga's sanctum to offer some privacy, but not usually on a major through fare to arouse too much suspicion.

Base 4, +2 Range, +2 Target, +3 Duration

Curse of Wintry Wrath lv 45
R: Touch T: Individual D: Bargain

After a bargain is sealed, the Merinita calls upon the spite of the Unseelie Winter court to invoke doom upon those who would break the deal. Upon breaking the deal the target is struck with an intense cold in his chest, so strong they might manage only a gasp before dropping dead, their heart literally frozen solid. The subject takes +30 damage from the effect. The spell's effectiveness ends after a Year.

Base 25 R +1, D: Momentary (+3 Bargain)

What are some of your examples?