Ars Magica Might, Faerie Blood, and Magic Resist
From: EdNorthcott Posted on: 1/15/2005 5:24 pm
Message: 495.1

I'm still slogging through the ArM5 rules (and rather enjoying it so far), and I've been thinking about Faerie-Blooded individuals.

When we look at the examples of Faerie creatures and other magical beings, we see that their Might score provides a sort of innate magical resistance or defence. Faerie-blooded PCs don't have this advantage (nor should they, given the comparative bonuses), but is it possible that they could learn to tap into that side of them? This wouldn't be much use for Magi, since their Parma is already a trainable ability that they can focus on.

I was thinking of perhaps tying it in with the Confidence score and the level of Faerie blood. Perhaps allowing individuals with such lineage to spend a confidence point to gain MR for a scene, or those with Strong Faerie Blood capable of learning how to institute a more permanent defence. Or perhaps just gaining more "oomph" from the expenditure of Confidence points.

On that note, individuals with True Faith might be able to do the same; their confidence temporarily boosting their faith, and making them a serious threat to magi.

I'm still absorbing the mechanics, so I don't have any suggested numbers hashed out yet (I wouldn't want to over-value these things), but the idea has started rolling about. Any thoughts?

From: Tarko Posted on: 1/15/2005 5:29 pm
To: EdNorthcott
Message: 495.2
in reply to: 495.1

for true faith characters; God have some tricks up his sleaves... since during Mass Maga cant affect the bread/wine since its now divine, If someone with true faith.... anyway, you see the tought.

just went down and actually read the true faith virtue... if you go on page189 it says that true faith gives MagicResist anyway. As to if confidence could boost that, its up to GM, but I think 'divine wrath' is not unheard of....

Edited 1/15/2005 5:32 pm ET by Tarko
From: EdNorthcott Posted on: 1/15/2005 5:32 pm
To: Tarko
Message: 495.3
in reply to: 495.2
I may be remembering incorrectly, but if I'm not then True Faith grants the faithful individual an automatic MR of 10x their Faith score: so a beginning character would have 1/10. I was figuring that a dose of confidence might work to boost that in short jaunts: the two seem connectable to me.
From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: 1/21/2005 2:34 pm
To: EdNorthcott
Message: 495.4
in reply to: 495.1

"When we look at the examples of Faerie creatures and other magical beings, we see that their Might score provides a sort of innate magical resistance or defence. Faerie-blooded PCs don't have this advantage (nor should they, given the comparative bonuses), but is it possible that they could learn to tap into that side of them? This wouldn't be much use for Magi, since their Parma is already a trainable ability that they can focus on"

How about as a Merinita inner mystery?

From: EdNorthcott Posted on: 1/21/2005 2:57 pm
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 495.5
in reply to: 495.4
I'd thought about the potential connection to that house, but I don't see it being terribly valuable to them -- given the remarkable potency of Parma. I was thinking of this more in terms of Companions, Grogs, and NPCs... scratch that, just companions, whether PC or NPC.