Ars Magica Editable character sheet
From: ArtOfMagic Posted on: 1/20/2005 5:38 am
Message: 501.1

I tried to update word charactersheet from 4th edition.

Check if it's correct:

I really had to do this because I cannot read my hand writing...


From: haakonolav Posted on: 1/20/2005 7:10 pm
To: ArtOfMagic
Message: 501.2
in reply to: 501.1
Looks nice except that you have Body Levels instead of Wound slots.
From: ArtOfMagic Posted on: 1/21/2005 1:54 am
To: haakonolav
Message: 501.3
in reply to: 501.2

Oh, how does wound slots work? you have always 5 slots?

What page describes this?