Ars Magica Crintera Location
From: ninthcouncil Posted on: 1/22/2005 1:03 pm
Message: 506.1

The appearance of AM5 has got me wanting to play and run the game again after some years, so I've been looking around at possible locations for a saga. One location that's been interesting me is the island of Rugen off Germany's Baltic coast, which has some very interesting mediaeval history that might serve to complicate a troupe's life no end.

However, the description of Guardians of the Forest refers to Crintera's "island retreat on the Baltic Coast", which makes me fear that Rugen is about to become the canon location of one of the major Hermetic covenants. The Slavic "horse oracle" at Arkona (at least, till Bishop Absalon and Valdemar of Denmark destroy it in 1168) seems to fit very well with this.

Given that GotF is delayed, could anyone "in the know" confirm whether Crintera is going to be on or near to Rugen? Though, of course, I can always move it elsewhere should I decide that Rugen must be mine.....

Edited 1/22/2005 1:08 pm ET by ninthcouncil
From: Bearnard Posted on: 1/23/2005 7:50 am
To: ninthcouncil
Message: 506.2
in reply to: 506.1

There are small maps on the Mythic Europe -section in the third edition
of Ars Magica, showing some of the major covenants. On page 298 there
is the map of Central Europe, and it's covenants. The locations of them
have changed, though, and Crintera is located in southern Germany, at
the Alps, while Durenmar is on the Baltic Coast, at a place that looks
like Rugen. The map is quite inexact though.


From: A_P_Smith Posted on: 1/24/2005 5:18 am
To: ninthcouncil
Message: 506.3
in reply to: 506.1

As you are probably aware, we are subject to a non-disclosure agreement, and so cannot really talk about the contents of the book. However since it has more-or-less already been revealed by the blerb text which you quote, I don't believe there is any harm in confirming your guess. You could quite easily move Crintera to nearby Pomerania, if you want to reserve Rügen for your own saga, which does indeed make an interesting location.

- Andrew