Ars Magica Creo Corpus Spells & Potions
From: EasyPeasy Posted on: 1/25/2005 4:17 pm
Message: 510.1

Now when I think of potions, I think of medicine, health, long life...that sort of thing.

But in 5th edition ArM, potions cannot imitate the effects of ritual spells, and the healing spells, in Arm 5th ed, are Creo Corpus healing spells.

I think it is a big mistake not to allow healing potions. Anyone else have an opinion?

From: qcifer Posted on: 1/25/2005 4:42 pm
Message: 510.2
in reply to: 510.1

Actually that's not true. Magic potions can heal...BUT...

Basically you have to look at such potions in two ways. One way allows the potion to heal someone instantly, but not the duration of Instant, at most it can last for a Moon, when the wound will reopen. Another way is to create potions, elixirs, and tonics that make healing easier, kind of like medicine. It would be very easy to make a potion that gives a +18 bonus to recovery rolls, no matter what the wound is (except heavy wds, then 3 such potions with a duration of Moon would need to be drunk). That's medicine like don't you think? Plus you can likely make multiple doses of it easily.

I don't have a problem with it. It shows how deadly the world is, and that magic can't solve everything, and the things it can solve is costly.

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: 1/25/2005 4:57 pm
To: EasyPeasy
Message: 510.3
in reply to: 510.1

Well the rule change was that vis boosting formulaic spells for duration and target was removed. This was in my opinion a good change. (Spells with multiple durations were always confusing for new players and I personally saw them as a baroque and unneeded cyst of rule excees that we're well divested of.)

However, as a result of this change, the permanent version of Chiurgon's healing touch was made into a ritual.

The rules have never allowed ritual spells in magic items.

I find that giving violence dire consequences made my games somewhat more exciting (In previous games my players were allways too tight fisted with their vis to brew up healing potions.)

However if you do a lot of combat having injured characters is clearly no fun (as I'm learning in my exalted game). I see three possible solutions.

First, allow healing potions.

Second, the recovery roll booster spells could easily be made into potions. You'd still have healing potions, they'd just work over the course of a month rather than instantly.

Third, create healing potions by loading up waiting spells (Re Vi) with ritual healings. This is vis intensive, but it fits into the rules as written.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 1/26/2005 6:20 pm
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 510.4
in reply to: 510.3
It can also harm
see the following-curse of the dinky deamon
focus-a peice of leperous flesh
effect-you curse the victim with a minor desease, but with vis used in the field you can upgrade this to a major desease!
this spell could probibly be used in a potion.
From: qcifer Posted on: 1/26/2005 6:37 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 510.5
in reply to: 510.4
You can't use Vis in the field like that. In the new ArM5 rules Vis can't be used to extend range or suration, It can be used in the field though to improve your casting total, making the spell easier to cast as well as easier to penetrate Resistance. Potions don't use Vis any more at all, and thus cannot cause Instant Creo effects, but can cause Instant Perdo or rego effects.
From: EasyPeasy Posted on: 1/26/2005 6:38 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 510.6
in reply to: 510.4

I don't think so.

Creo spells can only improve a body, disease is always Perdo.

From: cHantalla Posted on: 1/29/2005 4:27 am
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 510.7
in reply to: 510.3

the waiting spell suspend a spell cast on a given target. you can suspend an healing spell on a person, but not on a potion because the healing spell isn't cast on a potion.

Ma the vis will be with you.