Ars Magica A redo of a classic spell
From: qcifer Posted on: 1/25/2005 6:02 pm
Message: 511.1

A spell that saved my character's bacon all the time in ArM 3 and 4 was Circle of Warriors. Basically it caused a bunch of swords to leap up and spin around the caster, defending him from attack. Here's my retake on it trying to use the new group combat rules presented to make this work.

Circle of Warriors lv 25
ReTe possible Cr requisite
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration Target: Group

By casting the spell on up to 4 Single Weapons (swords is the usual weapon used) the weapons will spring to the air and defend and attack any who the caster directs them at, yet not leave more than 3 paces from him. The combat totals are calculated using the caster's Finesse as the Weapon Ability, and the weapons' statistics. For Iniative use the caster's Quickness. For attack use the caster's Perception. For Defense use the Caster's Quickness. For the Damage use the Caster's Intelligence. The caster can claim up to the +9 bonus for fighting in a trained Group, and it should be noted that he is the leader and vanguard of the group, replace the caster's Finesse for Leadership. The duration is Concentration, and the caster can easily switch targets and tactics freely. This spell is often cast in conjunction with Maintaining the demanding spell, with care however, any that approach are enemies when maintained in this manner. By adding a Creo requisite the necessary weapons can be created as well as controlled, disappearing when the spell ends.

Base 3, Range +1, Duration +1, Target +2, Elaborate effect +2

Probably some bugs need to be worked out in this. Most likely the wizard would devote what bonuses he could completely to Defense.

From: Draco Posted on: 1/26/2005 7:09 am
To: qcifer
Message: 511.2
in reply to: 511.1
If you need the +2 for elaborate effect, you end up with a level 35 spell (you also need +2 for metal).
From: qcifer Posted on: 1/26/2005 10:08 am
To: Draco
Message: 511.3
in reply to: 511.2
I knew I was missing something. I figured that metal was tougher to control than earth. OK, so now it's a levle 35 spell. Rather difficult to cast. I'd keep the elaborate effect though, the wizard becomes a one man group, and can do a lot of damage, however they're risking personal injury no doubt.
From: Draco Posted on: 2/14/2005 6:46 am
Message: 511.4
in reply to: 511.3

I would also suggest that a having the swords work as a TRAINED group would be a mastery ability.

Also using the ring duration and circle target might be a good idea. Would make the spell last longer and be of a lower duration.

From: qcifer Posted on: 2/14/2005 10:23 am
To: Draco
Message: 511.5
in reply to: 511.4

Good point about the Mastery ability. I'd be fine with that, seeing as I gave it an extra magnitude for it in the spell design, doing that could drop it a level, making it easier to cast. The duration could be good also. Basically the changes I'd make to it would be to either make it easier to cast or use, Diameter has the same effect as Concentration so, it wouldn't improve. As it stands he pretty much needs to cast Maintaining the Demanding Spell, otherwise he's just locked into this action. Diameter duration might be enough to get the job done, and if the spell is easier to cast, he could merely cast it again when it falls. The Target of Circle wouldn't apply though IMO, because the target(s) are a Group of weapons.

The Mastery thing would be a definite improvement in its level, dropping it from 35 to 30 I think.

From: Draco Posted on: 2/14/2005 10:41 am
To: qcifer
Message: 511.6
in reply to: 511.5
The circle target should apply as it targets everything in the circle... (that even keeps the feel of the old spell, where a blade would fall if it was knocked away)..
From: qcifer Posted on: 2/14/2005 11:05 am
To: Draco
Message: 511.7
in reply to: 511.6
That's true, that's true. Kind of like the Room target that effects everything within it. However the wizard can't move after casting it with a target of Circle. That's its main drawback. He has to actually draw the circle ahead of time also, not easy in a fight.
From: Draco Posted on: 2/15/2005 1:54 am
To: qcifer
Message: 511.8
in reply to: 511.7
Using conc duration also means no moving - unless you have an really impressive concentration ability (and a ooc skill at avoiding botches).
From: qcifer Posted on: 2/15/2005 9:55 am
To: Draco
Message: 511.9
in reply to: 511.8
That's right, but part of the spell description there is that it's typically followed by the spell Maintaining the Demanding Spell. In all honesty it would be better to change it to Diameter, it's still the same level even.
From: Skarppsey Posted on: 2/19/2005 4:15 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 511.10
in reply to: 511.1

In reference to the "Elaborate Effect +2":

Where is this described in the 5th edition book? I can't find where this is stated, unless your're basing it on the Rego Terram box text stating that "Manipulating objects with great precision may also be higher.."

You help in addressing my ignorance is appreciated.

From: qcifer Posted on: 2/19/2005 6:56 pm
To: Skarppsey
Message: 511.11
in reply to: 511.10
Hard to say, it's kind of like saying that this spell should be a it tougher compared to what it has to offer. For this spell it allows the Magus to become his own group and take advantage of those rules. Such a benefit and precise controls IMO warrants an extra Magnitude or two. If you look at Conjuring the Wizard's Tower, it adds some magnitudes to it because of how the spell builds the tower with rooms and halls, and everything else needed. That's worth a few I think also. It's a judgement call.