Ars Magica electric spells?
From: abrahamray Posted on: 1/26/2005 6:15 pm
Message: 515.1
what would be the spheres/abilities needed to use the following spells
lightning bolt, protection from lightning & lighting stare
I figue at least a new sphere and/or ability

Edited 1/26/2005 6:16 pm ET by abrahamray
From: qcifer Posted on: 1/26/2005 6:20 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.2
in reply to: 515.1
Lightning is an atmospheric effect so the Art (no Spheres or Abilities) would be Auram. The Lightning Bolt is Creo Aurum. The Protection from Lightning could be a few things but typically Rego Auram or Perdo Auram. The Lightning Stare (lightning out of your eyes?) would be Creo Auram with a Corpus Req. and possibly an extra Magnitude for the fancy effect.
From: abrahamray Posted on: 1/26/2005 6:21 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 515.3
in reply to: 515.2
thanks!(I havn't posted in a while so I have to learn all over again.)
From: WilliamEx Posted on: 1/26/2005 6:38 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.4
in reply to: 515.1
Cr Au, Re Au & Cr Im
From: SirGarlon Posted on: 1/27/2005 9:10 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.5
in reply to: 515.1
Officially, lightning is Auram, but I think it's more appropriate to think of it as Ignem, so I use that as a house rule. Electricity as a concept was not understood in the middle ages. Lightning was known to start fires, though.
From: abrahamray Posted on: 1/27/2005 4:10 pm
Message: 515.6
in reply to: 515.5
that makes sence
From: Astrius Posted on: 1/28/2005 10:29 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.7
in reply to: 515.6
The downside to making lightning ignem is that it concentrates the most effective canonical elemental range damage spells (IMO anyway) into one form. Personally I've always liked the fact that Flambeau (or other ignem specialists) have to learn other forms, such as auram, if they want to learn variations on fire spells (particularly true if your SG rules that most demons are immune to fire!).
From: abrahamray Posted on: 1/28/2005 4:47 pm
Message: 515.8
in reply to: 515.7
here's another new spell
lightning armor
focus-2 peaces of zink & copper
effect you give yourself a natural suit of armor made of lightning/electricity
tell me what you think of this spell & how it might be improved.
From: WilliamEx Posted on: 1/28/2005 5:48 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.9
in reply to: 515.8
Cr Im ?
From: haakonolav Posted on: 1/28/2005 9:09 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.10
in reply to: 515.8
As this is long before Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta, you should probably have another focus. ;) Lightning is traditionally Auram in ArM so I guess a Creo/Auram with a Rego requisite. Base level would be 5 for creating lightning, +1 for Rego, +4 for unnatural, +1 for Touch*, +2 for sun (or +1 for concentration). So it would be at least 45(for concentration) or 50 (for Sun). *Take a look at Circle of Protecting Winds.
From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: 1/31/2005 10:30 am
To: haakonolav
Message: 515.11
in reply to: 515.10

don't forget diameter as a duration. Also while I concur with the judgement of +4 magnetudes for unnatural effect, it is a judgement call and you might decide differently in your game.

(Heck, the spell guidelines are really just guidelines)

From: ArtOfMagic Posted on: 1/31/2005 11:13 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.12
in reply to: 515.6

it does not.

lightnings only come from the sky, thus auram.

From: Iudicium Posted on: 2/1/2005 12:04 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 515.13
in reply to: 515.9
Salut A !
Vois-tu, moi, ce qui m'énerve le plus dans les forums, c'est d'être ignoré. On poste une réponse qui a de l'allure, puis tu attends une réponse, de quoi, mais c'est comme si t'avais pas été là.
Pas que je voudrais que tout le monde pense comme moi, ce que je veux c'est connaître ce que les autres penses sur mes idées.
Souvent les autres répondent, mais se qui arrive souvent est qu'ils n'ont pas vraiment lu ce que tu as dis.
C'est beaucoup un dialogue de sourds :(
Mais ya du bon à lire, par contre.
From: WilliamEx Posted on: 2/1/2005 4:07 pm
To: Iudicium
Message: 515.14
in reply to: 515.13
La tu vas mistifier les anglais avec ton francais
From: DrTom Posted on: 2/5/2005 4:23 pm
To: ArtOfMagic
Message: 515.15
in reply to: 515.12

Actually,there would be a medieval justification for covering lightning as Ignem. Medieval paradigmn had lightning coming from the Plane (sphere?) of Fire (just below the Lunar Sphere), falling from there through the plane of Air.

It makes sense though for lightning to stay as part of Aurum, from both the justification as a weather phenomenon, and also from the game balance point of not loading up all the big damage effects in Ignem.

Now, what would you think the level of a spell would be to create St. Elmo's fire?

From: abrahamray Posted on: 2/23/2005 4:27 pm
To: DrTom
Message: 515.16
in reply to: 515.15
how about a spell to electrocute deamons?
From: qcifer Posted on: 2/23/2005 5:01 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.17
in reply to: 515.16

"how about a spell to electrocute deamons?"

Already have one, Incantation of Lightning works just fine on demons.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 2/25/2005 3:07 pm
Message: 515.18
in reply to: 515.17
heres a completly new one electric bear
this spell pretty much allows you to conjure animals made completly of lightning(name can be changed according to the exact animal conjured)
prequisite-animal 13 arum 12 rego 7(I think)
focus-a peice of animal flesh sered by lightning(+4)
might not be accurate(please help with this one)
From: mithriel Posted on: 2/26/2005 3:13 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.19
in reply to: 515.18
Since true animals made of electricity do not exist, the Animal requisite shouldn't be there. I assume you think of an elemental-like creature. ReAn is enough for invoking it.
From: SirGarlon Posted on: 2/26/2005 7:39 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.20
in reply to: 515.18

It looks like you don't have the Fifth Edition rules yet. :) I like the idea of a spell that conjures an electrical elemental in the shape of an animal.

As was pointed out earlier, there is no need for the Animal Art - the thing being summoned is made of electricity and is not really part animal (it only looks like an animal). So I would think the animal shape is a "cosmetic effect" that doesn't require an Animal requisite (ArM5, p. 115).

To me, the Arts of the spell seem like Creo Auram. Creo because it conjures something out of thin air, Auram because the thing conjured is made of electricity (electricity falls under Auram).

There is no need for a spell focus, because Fifth Edition doesn't have them. If you want to make this as a spell for the free Fourth Edition, then your focus looks fine.

You need to decide on a Range, Duration, and Target for your spell. Once that is done we can take a stab at figuring out what Level it should be. I would think it will come out pretty high, maybe in the 30's or so.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/9/2005 4:42 pm
To: SirGarlon
Message: 515.21
in reply to: 515.20
I don't have ANY ars magica books!
Thats why I have such difficulty with the rules, period.
From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/14/2005 6:00 pm
Message: 515.22
in reply to: 515.21
here's a new one phantom ghost
you duplicate the form,but not the powers of,a ghost/phantom using a electric aura
please tell me how to make this spell better!
From: caribet Posted on: 3/15/2005 3:50 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.23
in reply to: 515.21

No ArM books? Not even the *FREE* PDF download of "Ars Magica 4th Edition" from RPGNow?

go to
and look in the top-right column for "Free Ars Magica 4th Edition Rulebook PDF at" and follow the link...

(yes, really truly free of charge! Atlas Games ran out of real world stock when 5th Ed was on the horizon, and decided to put the 4th Ed out for free as a teaser for the rest fo the game line, rather than print a run of books that would be languishing in the warehouse before they had a chance to recoup costs)

From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/15/2005 4:57 pm
To: caribet
Message: 515.24
in reply to: 515.23
thanks! also what did you think of the phantom ghost spell?

Edited 3/15/2005 5:49 pm ET by abrahamray
From: caribet Posted on: 3/16/2005 3:37 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.25
in reply to: 515.22

I'll start by saying that the golden rule of Ars Magica discussions holds: "Your Mileage May Vary" or "In Your Saga"... In your saga, feel free to introduce Electricity, but...

Feel free to skip the rest, as in my saga, I follow the canon path and Mythic History, and rule out anything to do with electricity.

I am one of those who likes to stick close to a Mediaeval view within ArM, to simulate a magical mirror or the historical period. As such "electric" or "electricity" does not exist. (So in my own saga, I would take aside a player and explain this, and steer their interest onto another path.)

Historically, in C13 Europe, people have not developed a habit of systematic observations of nature. In Mythic Europe, they have even less reason to, as Magic *is* real, and the four Realms explain "everything"...
Electricity has not been observed or systematized, other than what most people commonly observe as crackles from fur - but dismiss as irrelevant (and which we call Static Electricity).

Lightning bolts - strokes from the cloud - are a weather phenomenon, related mythically to Zeus, and in Mediaeval Christian literature to... uh, escapes me, but there are explanations.
There is no Mediaeval connection between Lightning bolts and the crackles in rubbed fur...
the hermetic spell /Incantation of Lightning/ has an elevated spell level because it invokes a lightning stroke out-of-context, from the magus' hand rather than a cloud; it is not possible within this view to produce "lesser" "electrical" effects (like the DND spells), because... "electrical" does not exist - the lightning bolt is a unitary phenomenon - you create a powerful Bolt, or nothing...

Ghosts - are Mentem spirits. Any hermetic magus can investigate and prove this within the limits of magic; spirits, whether ghosts, elementals, faeries or others have supernatural abilities, described in game terms as Powers, which use the (Realm) Might of the spirit to invoke and power them.

In this view, you cannot "duplicate" a ghost by indirect means. You can use powerful Creo Mentem to create a ghost ab initio, and even use Vis to "make it real". You can summon a ghost (from elsewhere) with Rego Mentem. Vim spells can also affect all knids of spirit, but typically at reduced effectiveness vs a spell of the correct Form.

In the mediaeval view, there is no connection between crackling fur or lightning bolts and ghosts.

From: Draco Posted on: 3/16/2005 7:35 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.26
in reply to: 515.22
Any spell to create a image without substance would be Imagonem.
So a phantom ghost would be made by CreoImagonem (with a rego req if you want it to be able to move)
From: ArMSteve Posted on: 3/16/2005 12:29 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.27
in reply to: 515.25

Several of "caribet"s points are *REALLY* worth noting;
I'll repeat those here, for emphasis:

> No ArM books? Not even the *FREE* PDF download of
> "Ars Magica 4th Edition" from RPGNow? go to
> and look in the top-right column for "Free Ars Magica
> 4th Edition Rulebook PDF at" and follow the
> link...

Absolutely! Get it ASAP. Please note that *I* own 2 softcover
copies of these rules, *AND* a hardcover copy... and I *STILL*
got the PDF from RPGNow!

Note that you'll have a *MUCH* better time with the game if you
actually... well... *HAVE* the game. At least, so I suspect.

Also, caribet said:

> the hermetic spell /Incantation of Lightning/ ... invokes
> a lightning stroke out-of-context, from the magus' hand
> rather than a cloud; it is not possible within this view
> to produce "lesser" "electrical" effects (like the DND spells),
> because... "electrical" does not exist - the lightning bolt
> is a unitary phenomenon - you create a powerful Bolt, or
> nothing...

This is a key, and IMHO often under-emphasized, part of the Medieval
Paradigm, which drives Ars Magica: people believed these things
(that there are dragons in the mountains, witches in the forests,
and that the faeries will get pissed if you don't leave out a bit
o' milk for 'em) NOT because they were superstitious, ignorant
dolts, but because these things were TRUE, were part of reality,
independent of whether people believed in them or not.

This is equally true for "electricity" -- it doesn't exist. No such
thing. There's lighning bolts, but they ARE NOT electricity. Cat
fur can shock, sometimes, but *THAT* isn't electricity either. This
isn't mere ignorance on the part of the peasantry, a low level of
technology among the universities and the professors there: the
whole "Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" bit wouldn't
happen, because the world of Mythic Europe *IS* *NOT* simply an
earlier snapshot of our own word: in Mythic Europe, the underlying
physics DON'T WORK. Think rather of deCamp's "Compleat Enchanter"
(Harold Shae) series, where he was expecting to impress the local
"primitive" folk with his flashlight, matches, etc. The magicians
were *NOT* impressed by the geek fumbling with gear, and producing
NO effects.

Finally, I'll also reiterate caribet's opening remarks:
> the golden rule of Ars Magica discussions holds:
> "Your Mileage May Vary" or "In Your Saga..."
> In your saga, feel free to introduce Electricity, but...

- Steve S.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/17/2005 6:33 pm
Message: 515.28
in reply to: 515.27
heres another electric spell(think lightning from this point forward)lightning punch
effect you cover your hand in lightning to shock your opponencts to death.
From: caribet Posted on: 3/18/2005 2:59 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.29
in reply to: 515.28

"Out Of Paradigm"

been here before...

From: DrTom Posted on: 3/20/2005 10:19 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.30
in reply to: 515.28
If you must.....use the basis for Incantation of Lightning, but have the range be Touch, not Voice. It would do the same damage as Incantation of Lightning, being a lightning bolt (they don't really have a way of scaling the damage up or down for it). It would then be a CrAu 30 spell.
From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/22/2005 6:57 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 515.31
in reply to: 515.17
I was thinking of the deamons that produce desease(I.E. the comon cold)for the spell to electrocute deamons

Edited 3/22/2005 7:06 pm ET by abrahamray
From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/22/2005 7:01 pm
Message: 515.32
in reply to: 515.30
here another lightning spell with a terrum requisite
natural glass-you can summon a lighting bolt that creates a hunk of glass at the strike zone(must be done at a sandy place)
tell me what you think of this spell.
From: DrTom Posted on: 3/24/2005 2:42 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.33
in reply to: 515.31

It would be better to use Demon's Eternal Oblivion (or, if the disease spirits are from a different realm, a spell similar to that geared for the right realm). Otherwise, if you're frying plague demons you might also fry anyone they're infesting.

As was pointed out, though, if you want to electrocute them, Incantation of Lightning would be the spell to do it. You just have to get through the demon's resistance with your penetration.

From: DrTom Posted on: 3/24/2005 2:44 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.34
in reply to: 515.32

"here another lightning spell with a terrum requisite
natural glass-you can summon a lighting bolt that creates a hunk of glass at the strike zone(must be done at a sandy place)
tell me what you think of this spell."

Why not simply a Creo Terram? In a case like this the lightning bolt hitting might be the Wizard's Sigil for the effect. It would be a lower level, and if you're trying to make the glass permanent it would take a ritual (and vis expenditure) in either case.

From: caribet Posted on: 3/25/2005 4:20 am
To: DrTom
Message: 515.35
in reply to: 515.34

a good reason to use IoL or to use Ignem (heat) effects, is that they can leave lasting secondary effects in the form of heat-fused sand,

As you rightly observe, Creo requires Vis to make permanent.
in 5e it's a change-in-substance and so is Muto (not a natural change the sand would do by iteself, so not Rego), and you can't make Muto endure beyond the end of a spell, and you can't make spells permanent.

Go with (real) lightning, or with heat.

However, the spell as suggested is fundamentally weak: it suggests using Creo to make a fulgurite appear out of nothing, while suggesting that it must take place in a sandy place. This is not so: with Creo there is no need to have any material in advance - but the material will vanish at the end of the spell unless you use a Momentary Ritual with Vis (to make it "real");
the correct solution is plain CrAu Lightning, blasting at the sand...

From: DrTom Posted on: 3/26/2005 8:37 pm
To: caribet
Message: 515.36
in reply to: 515.35

It could be done with Ignem spells too, possibly at lower levels. Again, it boils down to having only one lightning spell since Aurum really only deals with weather effects.

I am curious, though, how it might handle St Elmo's Fire.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/29/2005 5:30 pm
To: DrTom
Message: 515.37
in reply to: 515.36
yeah,how would it handle st. elmo's fire?
From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/30/2005 5:53 pm
Message: 515.38
in reply to: 515.37
here's a sort of rego pedro spell
kellerian sight(can't think of a better name if you have one let me know)
effect-you can tell the being general health by the aura serroundding him/her/it.
From: mithriel Posted on: 3/31/2005 12:53 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.39
in reply to: 515.38

>you can tell the being general health by the aura serroundding him/her/it.

Sounds like InCo (?).

From: Draco Posted on: 3/31/2005 1:29 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.40
in reply to: 515.38
Sounds like Physicians touch - modified to affect vision. As such, Physicians sight might be a better name for it...
From: caribet Posted on: 3/31/2005 3:43 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.41
in reply to: 515.1

others have answered the direct question about Lightning, but I remain curious about your approach...

Can you say more about yourself, about your background, and why you pose your questions the way you do?

In this and previous posts, you appear to have a long list of "things you are familiar with" (eg spells, or "special abilities") which you wish to repeat in Ars Magica.

You use terms like "sphere" relating to magic, rather than Art or Technique or Form.
For that matter, I am not even sure we are talking about the same thing when we use the word Ability - in Ars Magica, an "Ability" is what in many games is called a Skill; what other games might call "Special Abilities" would be Virtues in Ars Magica.

Have you made progress reading the free Ars Magica 4th Edition PDF? - the background sections, and the overall description of the magical Arts provide quite a broad summary of "what makes Ars Magica magic"...

From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/31/2005 5:21 pm
To: caribet
Message: 515.42
in reply to: 515.41
yeah, I have made progress in the book.
I tend to think in terms of spheres(a layover from mage:the ascension)sorry about that.
I come from a uneducated background in terms of history,but I go to the liabrary a lot so I have a superficial knowledge of meadeval history,just not a lot of it.

Edited 3/31/2005 5:27 pm ET by abrahamray
From: abrahamray Posted on: 4/6/2005 5:13 pm
Message: 515.43
in reply to: 515.42
heres a supernatural vertue for you all
electricity immunity
effect-just what it says it does,makes you immune to lightning/electricity.
From: Draco Posted on: 4/7/2005 3:05 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.44
in reply to: 515.43
That would be the exisiting virtue of greater imunity. It's a major virtue (3points).
From: Ed9C Posted on: 4/7/2005 12:41 pm
To: Draco
Message: 515.45
in reply to: 515.44

I'm not sure electricity exists in paradigm.
Lightning is a weather phenomenon, there was no concept of electricity.
So, with no concept of electricity, there would be no such virtue.
Maybe a virtue of invulnerability to damaging weather phenomenon, but that is a little vague...


From: DrTom Posted on: 4/9/2005 11:34 pm
To: Ed9C
Message: 515.46
in reply to: 515.45

As a supernatural immunity to lightning it would be perfectly acceptable. Even in medieval times people knew lightning existed - you would just say lightning instead of electricity. Whether it would be a greater or lesser immunity (I'd make it major, since there's plenty of mages toting Incantation of Lightning :-) )

As was pointed out, it would just be one specific application of a currently existing merit. (I've given my Bonisagus mage a supernatural immunity to explosions to so an incident in his master's lab while he was an would really apply only to lab explosions, but would still be useful in limited though potentially lethal circumstances). There would be no need to establish it as a totally new merit, though.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 4/27/2005 5:31 pm
To: caribet
Message: 515.47
in reply to: 515.41
yes,I have made progress in the book.
From: abrahamray Posted on: May-4 7:08 pm
Message: 515.48
in reply to: 515.47
there is an animal that fit's into this boards theme,the electric eel.
stats please?
From: SirGarlon Posted on: May-5 7:25 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.49
in reply to: 515.48
The electric eel lives in the Amazon. South America doesn't exist in Ars Magica - the setting is Mythic *Europe*. I guess you can use electric eels if you want to, but I don't think they fit into the game as I play it.
From: abrahamray Posted on: May-5 5:46 pm
To: SirGarlon
Message: 515.50
in reply to: 515.49
sorry,I thought that the stats might work also for the electric ray(maybe).
From: marklawford Posted on: May-7 5:20 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.51
in reply to: 515.50
I don't understand what's happening in this forum. Is abrahamray in in-joke that I don't get?
From: Ravenscroft Posted on: May-7 9:52 pm
To: marklawford
Message: 515.52
in reply to: 515.51

I dont think he is an in-joke (at least not intentionally) , but i think he has worn out the patience of the kindly folk who take the time to answer the questions of newcomers.

AbrahamRay should be a bit more up to speed with 4th ed Ars Magica at least by now.
If he is actually playing/running a campaign or trying to get one together he could let us know.

From: Berengar Posted on: May-9 4:13 pm
To: marklawford
Message: 515.53
in reply to: 515.51

Were the spelling of the abrahamray-posts correct, I would expect behind them the Turing-test of a program fed by a D&D-SRD or such.
(Though a clever software-designer could have the program put the mistakes in to fool the audience even better.)

Kind regards,


From: marklawford Posted on: May-9 5:25 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.54
in reply to: 515.1

It would help if you attempted to use the correct game terminology. By sphere's do you mean "arts"?

I think you're talking about the wrong game. You know this is the Ars Magica forum?

But, as a clue to your question, where does lightening come from?

From: abrahamray Posted on: May-10 5:50 pm
To: marklawford
Message: 515.55
in reply to: 515.54
yes,I meant arts.
From: caribet Posted on: May-11 7:53 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 515.56
in reply to: 515.50

For suggestions for beasts I suggest you try to get hold of:

* Atlas Game "The Medieval Bestiary, revised edition" for Ars Magica - a catalogue of already designed beasts and legends, albeit for 4th Ed, or downlod the 5th Ed web-spullement of mundane beasts from the AG web-site

* a real world "animals of Europe" book. There are many of these, in libraries and bookshops. Real Europe, and hence Mythic Europe, lacks a great many real-world beasts, but does have a good range of creatures itself, some not found outside Europe.
(For example, we have Hedgehogs, but not USA; USA has skunks but we do not.) It is very important fo the "authentic feel" of Ars Magica to confine the real (non-Mythic) beasts to those which really exist in Europe - not foreign counterparts. (It also helps to have a small amount of knwledge of recent wildlife history - to know, for example, that the Grey Squirrel which is now a common pest is an American invader, and the *real* squirrel is the native Red Squirrel. in Mythic Europe you will find no Grey Squirrels at all, but Red Squirrels will be common rather than rare... -- however that level of knowledge is less important than avoiding, say, Skunks or Electric Eels.)

* a translation of a real bestiary - an excellent example is the T.H.White Bestiary - it may not be the most authentic (though I believe it's raeasonable) but it's easy to read and very approachable. You can find ideas for all sorts of "monsters" in the historical bestiaries, without using the Amazon, or DND catalogues.
Using the Bestiary in games, both to qualify and mythify "real" beasts, and as a source of "monsters" is a *great* way to enhance the feel of games!

From: abrahamray Posted on: May-11 1:22 pm
To: caribet
Message: 515.57
in reply to: 515.56
o.k. then