Ars Magica SHR is alive!
From: niallchristi Posted on: 1/28/2005 9:08 pm
Message: 517.1

Salve Sodales,

I just wanted to let you know that after something of an extended hiatus, Sanctum Hermeticum Revisited is back in action again. So far I've reorganised the sancta a little and posted a short article on how to adapt the rules on the Islamic influence on magic (from Blood and Sand/Secrets in Sand) for use with ArM5:

More updates and additions are in the pipeline. As always, we welcome submissions, be they as complex as whole new supplements for the game, as simple as magic items, spells or characters *casts a beady eye over some of the other AM discussions*, or all that's in between. Please see our submission guidelines at:

Webmaster, SHR

Edited 1/28/2005 9:11 pm ET by niallchristi