Ars Magica who goes first?
From: Gerion05 Posted on: 1/29/2005 9:18 pm
Message: 520.1
Im a new player of ars magica.
I have the 5th edition book.
I have got a little problem with the combat sequence. The book explain the weapon combat perfectlly, but im not sure the order of casting spells. In a multiple combat with mages and warriors, who goes first?.
sorry but Im a rookie in this game, XD
From: Berengar Posted on: 1/30/2005 3:09 am
To: Gerion05
Message: 520.2
in reply to: 520.1

A magus using magic in combat determines his Initiative with Quickness - Encumbrance + Stress Die (p. 174).

Fast Casting is explained on p. 83 and can allow actions outside of Initiative order. Fast Casting in response to an opponent's action in combat needs a Quickness + Finesse + Stress Die against that opponent's Initiative, or comes too late.

Does this help?

Kind regards,


From: Gerion05 Posted on: 1/30/2005 6:18 am
To: Berengar
Message: 520.3
in reply to: 520.2
thanks for everything Berengar.