Ars Magica Flambeau Question
From: 1TinSoldier Posted on: 1/30/2005 4:15 pm
Message: 521.1

A troop member of mine made the following arguement to us last night.

On page 139 of AM5 under Ignem spells it says that fire is explained on page 181. On page 181 he goes on to point out that the target of ignem is individual and since an individual immersed in fire takes 4x damage that a level +10 fire spell should do +40 and that in fact it is more difficult to do less damage since that would be targeting only part which under basic spell guidlines is more difficult.

I would welcome your ideas.

From: qcifer Posted on: 1/30/2005 6:11 pm
To: 1TinSoldier
Message: 521.2
in reply to: 521.1

He has a very good point in the way fire provides damage. In fact if you look at the dragon example in the Realms section, its breath has a base intensity of +15, however it's how well you roll to dodge it that determines how much damage it does by how much of the target is affected, doing up to +45 damage. The difference though is that the fires that the Magi do with spells like Ball of Abysmal Flame or Pilum of Fire, those don't deal in intensities. They deal a base amount of damage dependent on the level, not on how much of the target is affected. The target in those is individual, one thing, not an actual fire itself. The fire is the effect, in other words not the target. The fire created is of magical intensity, but as it is a Creo spell it only lasts for an instant and is gone (the damage remains as well as the chance that it ignites other fires).

The fire from a Ball of Abysmal Flame should do +30 damage (and of course there's still a stress die rolled with it), but it should not be doubled or tripled or anything.

From: 1TinSoldier Posted on: 1/30/2005 7:07 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 521.3
in reply to: 521.2
We made that point in our discussion which lead to the flambeau asking "What if I cast it for duration Diameter?" then the target is engulfed in flames for a full 12 combat rounds with x 4 damage. This is because page 181 states that the modifier is to "Base Damage".
As storyguide I told him if he was incased in flames for 2 min he would be burnt toast without the excess damage unless he had some special protections.
From: qcifer Posted on: 1/30/2005 8:40 pm
To: 1TinSoldier
Message: 521.4
in reply to: 521.3
For that I would look to the example given for Circle of Encompassing Flames. It simply states that any that are exposed to the flames (moving through them they say) suffers +20 damage. It is reasonable to assume then that if they stayed an extra round they'd take a similar +20 damage, for each round of exposure. The damage from the flames (from their clothes being on fire for example) is IMO negligible, as they are standing in a much hotter magical fire. When they stepped out of the flames it would just then be the heat and fire from their ignited clothes, not the magical flames they left. This should take care of it. If he wants to make a fire spell that does +30 damage repeated over several rounds it would be base level 30 (+30 damage in an unnatural state) and then from there the extra levels from Range, Target, and Duration. He might want it to do more, but +30 is more than enough, and all that the spell provides. If he wants to do more damage he needs to make hotter fires, not worry about exposing the target to more of the flames.
From: Nzld Posted on: 3/17/2005 12:41 am
To: 1TinSoldier
Message: 521.5
in reply to: 521.1

New insights on an old topic...

//On page 139 of AM5 under Ignem spells it says that fire is explained on page 181. On page 181 he goes on to point out that the target of ignem is individual and since an individual immersed in fire takes 4x damage that a level +10 fire spell should do +40 and that in fact it is more difficult to do less damage since that would be targeting only part which under basic spell guidlines is more difficult. //

Page 113, under 'Targets and Creo' species that the Target of a Creo spell is the thing created, not necessarily the thing affected. In the case of a CrIg spell, the fire created is the target, so the "individual" in the above statement does not automatically imply the person is completely consumed in flame.

Since page 139 also states that the base Individual for Ignem is the size of a small campfire, one could extrapolate that the damage multipliers from page 181 are already considered in the spell design. For instance, the base damage (intensity)for a wood fire is +5. This would be the Level 4 Creo Ignem effect. At Level 5, which does +10 damage, you could assume either the fire is still the size of a small campfire, but magically hotter, or it is the same intensity, but now covers a larger area (×2 multiplier), and so on. So Ball of Abysmal Flame could be viewed as a small, concentrated ball of intense heat (+30 damage, ×1 multiplier), or a engulfing sphere of normal flames that completely immerses the victim (+5 damage, ×6 multiplier, in this case).