Ars Magica Changing Initiative
From: RobertRodger Posted on: 2/5/2005 10:44 am
Message: 531.1

From page 171, "Initiative is determined once for the whoe combat and then remains the same every round."

What if a combatant switches weapons?

What if a militant spell-caster enters into combat with a sword and in later wants to cast a spell?

What if someone is Brawling and decides on some given turn to kick (-2 initiative?)

From: Xoralin Posted on: 2/5/2005 11:52 am
To: RobertRodger
Message: 531.2
in reply to: 531.1

Ill prefece this by saying I am fairly new to ars magica... But i would adjust the current inititive score by the -2 for the kick or whatever the penalty would be for that round and that would readjust the initive order.

I read the rule as saying you roll inititive once and those numbers are your base for the entire combat and if someone changes strategy they those numbers are adjusted by the inititive penelty but not re-rolled. Just my 2 cents

From: SirGarlon Posted on: 2/6/2005 8:14 am
To: Xoralin
Message: 531.3
in reply to: 531.2

// I read the rule as saying you roll inititive once and those numbers are your base for the entire combat

That's the way I play it, too. So I add my 2 cents and now we have at least 4 cents.

From: Xoralin Posted on: 2/8/2005 12:34 am
To: SirGarlon
Message: 531.4
in reply to: 531.3
A few more and we can get Coffee...:)
From: B5Rebel Posted on: 2/13/2005 11:13 am
Message: 531.5
in reply to: 531.4
I slightly modify the initiative rules.
If a combatant exits combat and then re-enters combat against a different currently unengaged opponent both roll new initiative rolls. Joining a specific combat already in progress by two or more combatants does not allow a re-roll. Re-attacking the original opponent does not allow a re-roll.