Ars Magica Requisits
From: Tarko Posted on: 2/6/2005 2:49 pm
Message: 534.1

wondering, wondering..... can you use vis assosscied to the requesit of the spell, or only main tech/form? and for casting req, same thing...?

curse of circee MuCoAn ..... what vis are allowed?

From: qcifer Posted on: 2/6/2005 3:13 pm
To: Tarko
Message: 534.2
in reply to: 534.1
Good question. I'd say any would be usable, but that's not an official answer. Im surprised I haven't thought of that wrinkle before.
From: Haukotus Posted on: 2/7/2005 11:34 am
To: Tarko
Message: 534.3
in reply to: 534.1
I would allow using vis from any of the arts used. Requisities are, after all, same magic than the primary arts. When using muto magic and corpus magic to change human into an animal, there's also animal magic involved, so animal vis is appropriate (is that a word?)
From: WilliamEx Posted on: 2/8/2005 6:11 pm
To: Haukotus
Message: 534.4
in reply to: 534.3

To dertermine which is the rq in the 5th it works with the base level of effect. Which ever is less becomes the rq.

I personally think that a magus is limited thru his arts for the number of vis he can use hense, I would says that a rq also limits the amount of vis one can use.

Let me detail:
MuCo(An) : Ian has 10 / 10 / 5 in corresponding arts.

He can use 10 Muto vis 10 Corpus & 5 An typically but since this spell has a rq, he can only use up to 10 Muto & a combination of up to 5 Co or An vis.

In our campain, MuCo vis does not exist ( or is spliced at collection ) so this is not an issue for the limit.