Card and Board Games On The Edge--Yes, someone still plays
From: Ealdorspell Posted on: 2/8/2005 9:10 pm
Message: 540.1

I have no idea if anyone will even respond to this, considering OtE is so long in the past, but my group has been playing a tourney for OtE for about the last year. (Taking advantage of the prices on Warehouse23 to get everyone a hefty collection of cards cheaply. I had played back when OtE first appeared, so I knew it would be a good game to revisit.)
(See stats and such here: ).

We've come up with a couple of questions, which even the voluminous information on hasn't been able to help. (Although Alex Rodriguez was helpful in telling me how to do templates for my own cards which may be online someday.) Anyway... Just in case someone's listening.
1) Do cards like "The Squeeze," that don't specifically say they Control an opponent's character count as Control for purposes of Immunity? (I know that Immunity extends to effects that Control an opponent's character, even if the effect doesn't have the trait Control, but since "The Squeeze" actually makes the character switch conspiracies, I wondered if a different rule might apply.

2) "Fall of the Wall" makes all characters with Control as a trait return to their player's hand. What happens to Gear and Conditions that do not have the trait Control but are on a Character with the trait Control when the character goes back into the player's hand? (The only instances specified for discarding or not discarding Gear/Conditions are when a character is flipped or popped, not just returned to hand.)

If anyone's reading and still remembers the game well enough to respond, I and my group would be quite grateful. Thanks,

From: John Nephew Posted on: 2/9/2005 9:06 am
To: Ealdorspell
Message: 540.2
in reply to: 540.1

Hmm. I could make ex cathedral announcements out of thin air, but to be honest I'm so rusty on the rules that they wouldn't be very good rulings, since I'm sure I'd not consider the implications thoroughly.

But with luck someone else will pipe in with thoughts!

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 2/15/2005 9:07 am
To: Ealdorspell
Message: 540.3
in reply to: 540.1
Ealdor, being [more than] a little lazy myself, could I ask you to post the rule text for those cards? Control Addiction and its Chaos twin do some crazy things to the cards, and I seem to remember that Fall of the Wall was one of _those_ cards.
From: Ealdorspell Posted on: 2/15/2005 8:13 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 540.4
in reply to: 540.3

We've settled the issue with "The Squeeze."

Here's the card text for "Fall of the Wall":

"All Control cards in play return to the hands of the original players."

What we're concerned about is what happens to cards attached to a Control card that don't have the trait Control.

(You're right, Control Addiction and Fractal Infection can make Fall of the Wall really nasty, which is one of the reasons I'm asking this question. *grin*)

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 2/16/2005 8:50 am
To: Ealdorspell
Message: 540.5
in reply to: 540.4

I believe the ruling on this is that any Conditions or Gear (*) on a card that is returned to the hand is Popped, no Save. Control Addict players (that'd be me, bunky) _hated_ this card when it came into play because we'd all be wonking it up with our Control cards and high-end Gear and Conditions...and then the Wall Falls. I believe that in seriously fucked-up games where Control and Chaos were bleeding into one another, a Fall of the Wall _also_ returned to the hand.

Come to think of it, I think my current Feng Shui players would probably be able to see what's coming down the pipe for them a lot better if they understood how much I played games where Chaos monkeys and Control monkeys fought, made up, copulated, fought, and made up again.

(*) man, did that small reference just send a huge shot of old Gamer Dope careening through my skull. John, Jon, and Robin, that was a bloody awesome game that you wrote all those years ago.