Ars Magica Suitable Magic Focuses
From: B5Rebel Posted on: 2/14/2005 7:24 am
Message: 545.1

This thread is to suggest more Magic Focuses and how they could be used in play as the lists in the rules are only the starting point.
I've listed a few to start the thread off. Comments on any suggested focuses as well as suggesting new ones is appreciated.

Major Magical Focus: Wards
This focus applies when the caster is casting wards, or directly trying to affect them (such as dispelling or suppressing them). It does not come into play when trying to affect something protected by the Ward.

Major Magical Focus: Aging
Useful in creating longevity potions but also good for creating those spells to unnaturally age someone or something.

Minor Magical Focus: Demons
Useful for Repelling and Destroying them. Could also be used by Diablolists to Summon and Control them. Maybe it should be a Major focus, not sure.

From: qcifer Posted on: 2/14/2005 10:59 am
To: B5Rebel
Message: 545.2
in reply to: 545.1

For my Verditius Magus he has the Major magical focus of Room, Structure and Boundary. Basically any spell or effect he uses/creates that has those targets or ranges, he gets the bonus.

Another player in the group has a minor focus of transforming animals, not just Muto Animal (which can change animal products also), it has to be an effect that changes an animal target.

I think that Major magical focus of Aging could be minor. It might be effective, but it is highly restricted and single faceted. Sounds like Minor to me.

Another couple focuses would be Spirits. That should be Major I think, because it's likely to have many applications. A minor version would focus it more, like Elementals, Nature Spirits, Pagan Spirits, etc.

For Demons, that should be minor in all honesty. It might be powerful, but rather narrowly focused. If it had more versatility, like being able to effect demonic powers, then it should be Major.

A focus regarding Faeries would likely be minor, major if it effects their powers.

Minor focus of Ritual spells. Ideal with the virtue of Mercurian magic.

Another would be a minor focus of group castings, kind of like a high priest.

From: WilliamEx Posted on: 2/14/2005 2:35 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 545.3
in reply to: 545.2

For my Verditius Magus he has the Major magical focus of Room, Structure and Boundary. Basically any spell or effect he uses/creates that has those targets or ranges, he gets the bonus.

> This for me are 3 minor focuses

think that Major magical focus of Aging could be minor.

> in the book it is minor

For Demons, that should be minor in all honesty

> since most combinations of forms/ tech can affect Demons it is so verry much a major focus ... a dangerous one may I add since it would probably have the effect of intreging them...

From: qcifer Posted on: 2/14/2005 3:09 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 545.4
in reply to: 545.3

"This for me are 3 minor focuses"

Which has the same value as one major. Why not just put them all together? For my character it is a theme, he is an architect and carpenter and mason, when the Mysteries comes out, I hope he can use the Sacred Geometry used in the last one. Room, Structure, and even Boundaries are all man made concepts on where something ends and others begin, a definition of space. That's why I think they're tied together, but they are definitely a major focus I think.

"since most combinations of forms/ tech can affect Demons it is so verry much a major focus ... a dangerous one may I add since it would probably have the effect of intreging them..."

Decent point. If it were further defined, such as combating Demons, or Warding Demons, maybe Minor is justified. I agree with you here, it should be major, to also represent such a talent is rare within the Order.

From: WilliamEx Posted on: 2/14/2005 3:59 pm
To: qcifer
Message: 545.5
in reply to: 545.4

Which has the same value as one major. Why not just put them all together? For my character it is a theme, he is an architect and carpenter and mason, when the Mysteries comes out, I hope he can use the Sacred Geometry used in the last one. Room, Structure, and even Boundaries are all man made concepts on where something ends and others begin, a definition of space. That's why I think they're tied together, but they are definitely a major focus I think.

> define it as a major focus with sustenance then. Major Focus : Sacred geometry. Magus finds he magic is much more potent when casting in a pre established environment ( contructed the structure / room / boundary to focus magic of a type) All magic casted within alignment with the sacred place is focused. The Magus also benefits from that added clarity when designing the sacred places.

This is an example that I think defines limits & renders the merit much more interesting for the DM & player.

From: qcifer Posted on: 2/14/2005 4:26 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 545.6
in reply to: 545.5

"define it as a major focus with sustenance then. Major Focus : Sacred geometry. Magus finds he magic is much more potent when casting in a pre established environment ( contructed the structure / room / boundary to focus magic of a type) All magic casted within alignment with the sacred place is focused. The Magus also benefits from that added clarity when designing the sacred places"

OK, but that doesn't fit too well on the Virtue line ;)

What you said is basically what I mean, but boiled down it still means he gets to double his lowest Art when the focus is in play, and that's when the Target is Room or Structure, or the Range is Diration.

From: DrTom Posted on: 2/15/2005 6:28 pm
To: B5Rebel
Message: 545.7
in reply to: 545.1

"Major Magical Focus: Wards
This focus applies when the caster is casting wards, or directly trying to affect them (such as dispelling or suppressing them). It does not come into play when trying to affect something protected by the Ward."

In the game I'm playing in right now, we've got Wards as a minor magical focus. The question is whether it would be a major or a minor. We reasoned that since it's such a small fraction of Rego that it would be a minor focus.

From: ArtOfMagic Posted on: 2/21/2005 9:07 am
Message: 545.8
in reply to: 545.7

In my Diedne magic virtue retoric I found that that virtue has major magic focus: spontanious magic cast with fatique, you pay it with major flaw: dark secret.