Your ideas about limiting MB, or at least making the most of the potential story aspects of it, certanly find resonanse in my ears. However your "Plot Monkey" solution, allthough it sort of follows the rationale for ArM5 Story Flaws, seems to me to ensure that the story will evolve around the MB character, thus further letting thar character dominate the story. Potentionally a rather unwanted consequence. //I've also said "No more than one in the group, I don't care what the blurb says."// Hmmm, could be good, lends itself to the players bargining for who shall be allowed to have MB character, thus adding to the cost of the virtue, in that you have to somehow "pay off" your fellow players. //Ex Misc does the same thing, with it's stacked Virtues. bleh.// I kind of liked some of the virtue packages which implied some sort of profession or function that the character filled in sosciety. But I wouldn't give more than a 1 point discount on the stacked v&f's. I haven't thought of ArM5 ex Misc that way, they do get a good deal don't they? //I would suggest only allowing one Fast-Cast and one Normal Cast Spell per round, no matter the initiative. // The question was tied to the wording of how fast and how much effort it takes to invoke the MB feat. Independantly of this it is quite possible to fast cast more than one spell per. round. So if you would limit this, that would be a hole new can of worms so to speak. But I was wondering if MB feat was actually meant to work exactly like fast casting, or if it was described like that just to give an indication of how quikly you invoke it.