Ars Magica I need stats for kids
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 2/18/2005 7:24 pm
Message: 552.1

Hi there. So, I've never actually played ArM before 5th edition ... except for that one ill-fated game where john made me play 6 characters at once. Don't ask.

Erik Tyrell and I and Rob and Tod from Fantasy Flight have started up an ArM5 game, and I find myself in need for stats for a precocious child. Does anyone have some written up already that I could use? I'm looking at a kid about 10 yrs old, with the gift. It would sure save me some time!


-Michelle Nephew

From: Berengar Posted on: 2/19/2005 2:36 am
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 552.2
in reply to: 552.1

Hi Michelle,

in the Post Coch covenant from the covenant project ( there are stats for over a dozen gifted precocious kids - the apprentices.
These are 4th edition, but many will need only a little mechanical adaptation to become 100% ArM5 proof. The ideas are yours to use: your husband paid for them :-).

Miquel's many kids come with an elaborate and complete family background which might fit well for a British campaign.
Iain Ua Gormain, the apprentice of Talpa, or Duddug, an apprentice of Wid, are those most easily adaptable to settings in other parts of Mythic Europe.

Kind regards,


From: Berengar Posted on: 2/19/2005 5:21 am
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 552.3
in reply to: 552.1

Having a few minutes left this lazy Saturday morning I adapted one of the apprentices - with a lot of error prone copy and paste.

Before, at ArM4:

Duddug verch Cadfannan
Type: Companion, Vocation: Shepherd Girl
Covenant: Post Coch
Saga: Post Coch
Characteristics: Int 2 (Imaginative), Per 1 (Attentive), Pre 1 (Witty), Com 1 (Dramatic), Str 0, Sta 1 (Hearty), Dex 0, Qik 0
Age: 10, Height: 120 cm, Weight: 35 kg, Gender: Female
Appearance: Duddug has a pale, triangular, pointed face with bright blue eyes capable of staring without blinking forever - or so it seems. She is left handed and small for her age, but lively and quick. Her voice has amazing volume and spans many octaves.
Size: -1
Confidence: 3
Virtues and Flaws: Freewoman +0, Piercing Gaze (Intimidation: +3) +2, Latent Magic Ability +2, Free Expression +1, Empathy +1, Close Family Ties +1, Clear Thinker +1, Terrors: Caves -2, Small Frame -2, Cursed: telling a secret entrusted to her will harm her -2, Poor Armaments -1, Oversensitive: being lied to -1
Personality Traits: Loyal (Family) +2, Inquisitive +2, Creative +2, Brave +1
Weapon/Attack Init Atk Dfn Dam Fat
Fist/Kick 2 3 2 1 2
Soak: 0
Fatigue levels: OK, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Body levels: OK, -1, -3, -5, Incapacitated
Abilities: Animal Handling 1 (Veterinary), Charm 1 (Being Witty), Climb 1 (Cliffs), Craft: Herdsman 1 (Milking), Empathy 3 (Fears), Folk Ken 1 (Welsh Clansmen), Guile 1 (Evading Questions), Speak Own Language: Cymric 5 (Different Dialects), Stealth 1 (Natural Areas), Storytelling 3 (Improvisation), Survival 1 (Hills), Swim 1 (Rough Water)
Decrepitude: 0
Encumbrance: 0

After, at ArM5:

Duddug verch Cadfannan
Type: Companion, Vocation: Shepherd Girl
Covenant: Post Coch
Saga: Post Coch
Characteristics: Int 2 (Imaginative), Per 1 (Attentive), Pre 1 (Witty), Com 1 (Dramatic), Str 0, Sta 1 (Hearty), Dex 0, Qik 0
Age: 11, Height: 120 cm, Weight: 35 kg, Gender: Female
Appearance: Duddug has a pale, triangular, pointed face with bright blue eyes capable of staring without blinking forever or so it seems. She is left handed and small for her age, but lively and quick. Her voice has amazing volume and spans many octaves.
Size: -2 (small for her age)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Peasant; Gentle Gift; Piercing Gaze, Free Expression, Puissant Ability: Folk Ken, Clear Thinker; Greater Malediction: telling a secret entrusted to her will harm her; Fear: Caves, Close Family Ties, Small Frame, Oversensitive: being lied to;
Personality Traits: Loyal (Family) +2, Inquisitive +2, Creative +2, Brave +1
Weapon/Attack Init Atk Dfn Dam
Fist/Kick 0 1 1 0
Soak: 1
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wounds penaties: -1 (1-3), -3 (4-6), -5 (7-9), Incapacitated (10-12)
Abilities: Animal Handling 1 (Veterinary), Athletics 1 (Climbing), Brawl 1 (Knives), Charm 1 (Being Witty), Craft: Herdsman 1 (Milking), Folk Ken 3+2 (Welsh Clansmen), Guile 1 (Evading Questions), Profession: Storytelling 3 (Improvisation), Speak Own Language: Cymric 5 (Different Dialects), Stealth 1 (Natural Areas), Survival 1 (Hills), Swim 1 (Rough Water)
Decrepitude: 0
Encumbrance: 0

Duddug verch Cadfannan is a child from a vast family of shepherds, who serve many of the noble families around the Berwyn Mountains. With six years she got lost in a mountain glen during a storm and hid in a cave over night. When she came out again, apparently unhurt, she would stare for hours on end at a spot in the void, and only slowly recovered most of her former lively and curious ways. She has never told anybody what has happened in that cave, and would never enter any cave again. Over the next years she developed a knack for inventing and telling frightening stories of ghosts and the good folk.

Kind regards,


From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 2/21/2005 3:24 pm
To: Berengar
Message: 552.4
in reply to: 552.2

Thanks for the tip! That's just what I was looking for. :)

-Michelle Nephew