Ars Magica Rcovery rolls
From: Njordi Posted on: 2/23/2005 7:34 am
Message: 556.1

page 179:
"Recovery rolls are made at intervals determined by the severity of the wound..."
Intervals; Light wounds-1 week. Medium W-1 month. Heavy W-1 season.

That's all fine. But when do you start to roll recovery rolls?
-Right after combat?
-After the wounded character has had a chabce to settle down?
-When he, or someone else gets a chance to tend the wounds?
-Or one week/month/season after the wounds were inflicted?

From: qcifer Posted on: 2/23/2005 1:57 pm
To: Njordi
Message: 556.2
in reply to: 556.1
I'd start it from the time rest and medical attention was applied, at least for Medium wounds and higher. For Light wounds you might say they start from when the wound is received, someone might be healthy enough to recover from a Light wound unassisted. Judgement call. For my campaign it will be from when recovery efforts and rest first begin.
From: Draco Posted on: 2/24/2005 3:52 am
To: qcifer
Message: 556.3
in reply to: 556.2

Since recovery-rolls also are worstening-rolls (that is, they can make a character grow weaker and closer too death as well as better), the count for them should be as soon as the injury was received and not wait for any treatment.

i.e. for a light wound - you roll one week after the wound is received.

Edited 2/24/2005 5:58 am ET by Draco (SHADOWSTALKE)
From: Njordi Posted on: 2/27/2005 12:38 pm
To: Draco
Message: 556.4
in reply to: 556.3

// soon as the injury was received and not wait for any treatment.
.. one week after the wound is received.//
To me this sounds quite contradictary. Maybe you could explain your view more precisly, seems it's only me that didn't get it though.

I should perhaps explain that I never suggested that the interval time shouldn't be considered to start when the wound was recieved. (If you could understand any of that.)

What I was wondering was wheter you should roll a recovery roll right after you were injured, and then the next a week later (in case of a light wound), or if you shouldn't make any roll before a week has passed.