Card and Board Games Gloom - card question
From: burninhell1 Posted on: 2/27/2005 11:11 am
Message: 560.1

My girlfriend and I were playing Gloom last night and we had a rules question:

The card: "was hunted by horrors" has the rules text: Skip your next turn after this Modifier is played.

Now I also had the Event: "Twist of Fate" which states: Replace the top Modifier on a character with one from your hand. Keep the Modifier you replace

Does my girlfriend have to skip her turn if I play "was hunted by horrors" and then replace that Modifier with "Twist of Fate"?

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 2/28/2005 5:48 pm
To: burninhell1
Message: 560.2
in reply to: 560.1

So the question is, I guess, does the future effect of a modifier take place if it's removed from the card in the same turn it's played. And what about if it's removed in the same round by another player before its effect can take place?

I've forwarded your question to the game's designer, Keith Baker, to see what he has to say.

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 3/2/2005 12:36 pm
To: burninhell1
Message: 560.3
in reply to: 560.2

To recap, the question is:

In Gloom, does the future effect of a modifier take place if it's removed from the card in the same turn it's played. What about if it's removed in the same round by another player before its effect can take place?

Keith says:

In this example, yes, she misses her turn. Most of the instant effects say "When this modifier is played." Thus, once the modifier has been played, the effect occurs and cannot be altered by events that occur later in the round. Likewise, if the modifier is swapped, it is not triggered, because it was not played, it was moved. And just to beat a dead horse, if it is revealed because the card on top of it is remove, it's not triggered, because it hasn't been played, it's been revealed.

Ongoing effects do not occur until the appropriate triggering event. The main ongoing effects are the modifiers that change draw limit and the "discard every time you play a modifier" cards. If these are covered over before they take effect, the effect does not occur. If they are swapped, the new owner inherits the effect. If it's revealed again, it activates again.

The problem is that I believe there is one instant card that does not have the "when played" text - I'll have to check to see which it is.

From: burninhell1 Posted on: 3/2/2005 1:58 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 560.4
in reply to: 560.3

Thank you Michelle and please pass along my thanks to Keith as well (both for the fantastic game and the quick response).

This is how things should be done!