Card and Board Games New Dungeoneer Player Needs Help
From: williaju Posted on: 3/6/2005 12:26 pm
Message: 566.1

I am a new dungeoneer player and I have a few questions. I couldn't seem to find the answers on the FAQ either.

1. First could someone please explain the "counterattack" concept. For example when a monster attacks a hero do they get to counterattack with their speed b/c it is a diamond. On a similar note when a hero initiates a challenge on a monster, does the monster get to counter attack back using its speed attack or any other form that is a diamond. I am just confused by counterattack in general :)

2. Secondly why do monsters even have speed? They are never on the board long enough to move around.

Thanks for any help that can be provided!

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 3/7/2005 6:53 pm
To: williaju
Message: 566.2
in reply to: 566.1

"Counterattack" should really be thought of as "defense", except with the possibility of hurting the attacking player/monster. It's the matching value (melee/magic/speed) used to oppose an attack, and attacks must always be opposed the matching value.

Without the circle symbol though, a monster may not choose to initiate that type of combat.

I thought that heroes could challenge monsters (with a saved movement point) with speed, for which the monsters would need a speed value to oppose, but I see that is not the case, at least in Vault of the Fiends. Don't remember what monster speed is used for now, then. :)

From: williaju Posted on: 3/11/2005 12:01 pm
Message: 566.3
in reply to: 566.2
Thanks for the response ccamfield. I still would like to know why monsters have speed....maybe if we are lucky a dev. will see this post soon. :)
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 3/11/2005 3:55 pm
To: williaju
Message: 566.4
in reply to: 566.3

I forwarded your question to Thomas Denmark ... we're all going to be busy with GAMA Trade Show for the next week, though, so it might take a while for a response.

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 3/14/2005 10:57 am
To: williaju
Message: 566.5
in reply to: 566.3

I got a reply from Thomas Denmark: Monsters have Speed because of the optional rules that allow for a Wandering Pack. I hope this helps!

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: williaju Posted on: 3/14/2005 12:43 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 566.6
in reply to: 566.5

Thanks much for the response :)