Card and Board Games Bad Effects
From: Morley Posted on: 3/6/2005 2:13 pm
Message: 567.1


would you please bother Keith once more, so I have it in writing again about the "bad effects, whom gets them". ie: "lose a turn after playing this card". I understood him to say the player of the card. Am I incorrect?


From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 3/11/2005 3:46 pm
To: Morley
Message: 567.2
in reply to: 567.1

Hi there. I'm not sure I understand your question. Keith answered it once already, right? I just put the most recent errata up on the Gloom FAQ page at if you need to see the answer again.

Otherwise, you'll need to elaborate on what it is you need more information about. Thanks!

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Morley Posted on: 3/11/2005 5:42 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 567.3
in reply to: 567.2

Yes, but it's not there. Jusr reread the faq. The question is does the modifer's bottom effect, affect the player of the card, or if the player puts it on an foe, does it affect the foe?

Example is: "was distressed by dysentery" The player to your left may randomly select and discard two cards from your hand.

The card is played on the person to my left. Do I suffer the loss of two cards, or does the person that I play it on?

From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 3/14/2005 10:55 am
To: Morley
Message: 567.4
in reply to: 567.3

Modifier effects always affect the player whose card the modifier is played on. This is given in the rules sheet, on the back side second column, under "Effects" ... "effects always apply to the person who controls the character to which the Modifier card is attached, not the person who played the Modifier." Unless I'm still misunderstanding?

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: Morley Posted on: 3/14/2005 8:39 pm
To: Michelle Nephew
Message: 567.5
in reply to: 567.4
Nope, you got it. I wanted to make sure that I was not misunderstanding it. Got tired of rules lawyers and wanted to have it in a printed form for them. Thank you....