D20 System Games Splintered Peace PDF?
From: YR7 Posted on: 3/13/2005 9:23 am
Message: 571.1

Is there a chance Splintered Peace will be released as a PDF, like so many other Atlas products over at RPGNOW?


From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 3/24/2005 5:45 pm
To: YR7
Message: 571.2
in reply to: 571.1

At this point we're not planning on making Splintered Peace available as a PDF until our stock of the book runs out, which likely won't be anytime soon. Things could always change, though.

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

From: John Nephew Posted on: 4/3/2005 11:18 am
To: YR7
Message: 571.3
in reply to: 571.1

Yes, eventually.

Our policy so far has been to release items that are out of print or nearly out of print, though, and we still have an ample supply of Splintered Peace at this point.

I may change this approach in the case of Penumbra, however. To be honest, the distribution system is not very d20-friendly right now -- the older d20 titles in our catalog are probably not getting a lot of shelf space in the stores, regardless of how many we have in our warehouse.

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games