Ars Magica Magical Foci
From: cihset Posted on: 3/15/2005 2:38 am
Message: 574.1

Having now studied all new 5th ed virtues closely, I belive the virtue with most potential is the major magical focus. However, the benefit from the virtue varies highly between the different foci.

Take for example the Focus damage, I have a hard time imagine Flambeu magi without that focus, since it really covers most of what flambeu magi do, i.e. kill and hurt things. Compared to for instance domesticated animals, the range of those two focuses are quite different indeed.

I'm currently planning on making an Verditus, and I am thinking of giving him a Major Magical foci, the problem is I can't really come up with what would be suitable for him. For instance, weapons as foci, that does sound fitting, however what really is a weapon? Ships sounds fairly limited, might be a minor foci, but is it possible to have wooden constructs as major magical Foci?

I have yet to experience the virtue Foci in play, have anyone else got any opinions on the virtue, how useful/powerful it is and also, what is your favourite Foci (if any)?

Regards - cihset