Ars Magica diabeties/aspurgers syndrome
From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/15/2005 8:38 pm
Message: 575.1
how is diabeties going to be covered in 5th ed
how about aspurbers syndrome?
& what spells would you invent based upon these problems
they could be possible flaws,you know.
From: caribet Posted on: 3/16/2005 3:44 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 575.2
in reply to: 575.1

?? diabeties
?? aspergers syndrome

are you sure you are not attempting to simulate a Modern Era world, rathe r than a world possess of spirits, demons, faeries and magic?

From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/17/2005 6:31 pm
To: caribet
Message: 575.3
in reply to: 575.2
I would like to know how these would apply to a standard ars magica world.
From: caribet Posted on: 3/18/2005 2:57 am
To: abrahamray
Message: 575.4
in reply to: 575.3

Abraham Ray - I have suggested you download and read the free ArM4 PDF. I will repeat that... (I would also recommend that you purchase and read the 5th Edition rules, as they are a considerable improvement).

As for Aspergers and whatever... if you read the Ars Magica game books, and learn about the Mythic Europe portrayed, you will discover what we are talking about: a world in which Mediaeval understanding is true - their (to us strange) beliefs are not a misunderstanding but a true reflection of a magical and mystical world. It is *similar* to our world, and the mundane geography of Europe is the same, but it is very different from our C21 views...

In that world (the "standard Ars magica world"), things which are only understood by modern discoveries and attitudes simply do not exist.

Asking "how would X apply" where X is a C21 understanding, is not a meaningful question.

I repeat - if you read the game's own descriptions, you will understand what we are saying.

From: TimothyFerg Posted on: 3/19/2005 8:04 pm
Message: 575.5
in reply to: 575.4

Diabetes is fatal right up until the 20th century. Characters with diabetes simply die of wasting disease "Their muscles become urine" as the ancient writers said.

Asperger's Syndrome? Recent research notes similiarities in Aspergers patients to changelings described in medieval folktales. You can't have Asperger's.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/21/2005 5:57 pm
To: TimothyFerg
Message: 575.6
in reply to: 575.5
sorry,I am VERY new to this game(I got the free book after I learned about it,I still have to look through it)