Ars Magica Giant Blood and Corpus spells
From: Nzld Posted on: 3/16/2005 3:32 pm
Message: 577.1

Greetings, all.

Taking into consideration that the specified Size for an Individual for Corpus spells is a human up to Size +1, does the virtue Giant Blood (which makes you Size +2) pretty much grant an immunity to Corpus spells of Target: Individual, unless the spell is specifically invented with a +1 or more modifier for Size?

One of the PC magi in my saga has this virtue, and its implications (since converting to 5e) have just come crashing in on the game. In his last battle against a Corpus magus, I had hit him with multi-cast instances of The Wound That Weeps (PeCo 5). He took the wounds and penalties, but after the battle was resolved, and our group debriefed, it was brought up that his Size would have prevented the spells from affecting him.

Based on what I have read, I am in agreement, and feel I simply overlooked that beforehand, but I would like to be sure there is not some other system aspect or mechanic I am overlooking.

From: Berengar Posted on: 3/16/2005 5:15 pm
To: Nzld
Message: 577.2
in reply to: 577.1

//... does the virtue Giant Blood (which makes you Size +2) pretty much grant an immunity to Corpus spells of Target: Individual, unless the spell is specifically invented with a +1 or more modifier for Size?//
Yes, I think it does. The Virtue gives near superhuman size to a Character: so he exceeds the base size for Co-spells, hence is not affected by standard Co-spells (excepting InCo) with T:Ind and uses up more than one 'Ind-slot' of T:Group Co-spells.

Kind regards,


From: caribet Posted on: 3/17/2005 8:12 am
To: Nzld
Message: 577.3
in reply to: 577.1

yes, Size +2 is "not a candidate target" for spells limited to Size +1.

Note, however, that Group Target is for "a mass up to 10 times a standard Individual", and that a Group of one is a legitimate Target - so they can be affected by Group spells, if you have no "increased Size" formulae available.

It does mean that you get some real benefit from a Major Virtue (at the cost that beneficial spells are also knocked out!)

a standard Group is 10*Ind, +3 Size increase is *10 mass, so each +1 size is a little more than double mass (cube root(10) - but a simple progression is 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,...)
a Group spell could cover roughly 5 Giant Blood persons, 10 Size +1 folk, 20 Size +0, approx 50 Size -1, or some mixture)

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: 3/17/2005 9:22 am
To: caribet
Message: 577.4
in reply to: 577.3
How about target part?
From: caribet Posted on: 3/17/2005 9:54 am
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 577.5
in reply to: 577.4

yes... I believe Part would affect *a part of* a Giant (up to 10*Ind in size - so you could affect the little toe of even a very large Giant.

However, Part target spells for people are again, pretty rare: almost all the things you do you people are Ind.
A few disguise spells...

(And, yes, I support Eyes Of the Cat as T:Ind as the relevant Guideline is for "grant (the person) a minor ability" and the eye appearnace is just cosmetic).

From: Berengar Posted on: 3/17/2005 12:32 pm
To: Nzld
Message: 577.6
in reply to: 577.1

Oh yes, and this immunity to standard Co-spells with T:Ind is a rather mixed blessing, because it also implies utter immunity to the usual rituals for healing or attribute increase.

Kind regards,

(off the web for three weeks now because of holidaaays!)