Ars Magica cheta stats please
From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/22/2005 7:03 pm
Message: 590.1
does anybody know the stats for the cheta is?
From: DrTom Posted on: 3/24/2005 2:39 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 590.2
in reply to: 590.1

The closest they have for 5th edition is for a Lion. It's available in the free download from Atlas' site. You might just want to start with that and modify appropriately.

There might be stats for something similar in earlier edition (either the Medieval Bestiary or, more likely, South of the Sun for 2nd edition). I'm not anywhere near my copies of those books to be able to check now, however.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/24/2005 5:48 pm
To: DrTom
Message: 590.3
in reply to: 590.2
makes sense,but how would you rule about the speed of the cheta?
From: caribet Posted on: 3/25/2005 4:13 am
To: DrTom
Message: 590.4
in reply to: 590.2
actually a greyhound would be *much* closer to a cheetah than a lion would!
From: DrTom Posted on: 3/26/2005 8:38 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 590.5
in reply to: 590.3
As for modifying to get the speed of the cheetah, I would look up what the actual speed of the cheetah is online or in an encyclopedia, and convert appropriately.
From: abrahamray Posted on: 3/31/2005 5:42 pm
Message: 590.6
in reply to: 590.5
would they make good familers?
From: SirGarlon Posted on: 3/31/2005 10:20 pm
To: abrahamray
Message: 590.7
in reply to: 590.6

// would they make good familers?

Actually, yes. I think so.

From: abrahamray Posted on: 4/4/2005 6:02 pm
To: SirGarlon
Message: 590.8
in reply to: 590.7
good,that good to know.