Card and Board Games Several Dungeoneer questions
From: DigArc Posted on: 4/7/2005 2:17 pm
Message: 602.1

I played Dungeoneer for the first time last night, using only the Den of the Wererats deck, and a few questions arose. These do not appear to be covered in the FAQ or in the version of the rules that came with the (just purchased) game.

The questions are detailed. Please bear with me!

1. Moving through locked or trapped doors. In the rules for Movement, it states that each "space" entered costs one Movement, that a "space" is defined as a map card, and that the area between map cards never counts as a "space". I don't see a rule stating that it costs a Movement to attempt to open a locked/trapped door, only that you lose one Movement if you fail to open a locked door.

How, then, does Movement interact with locked or trapped doors?

If I start with 2MP (movement points) in a room with a trapped door, I try to open the door, and fail... I know I take one wound, but do I now have 2MP or 1MP remaining?

If I start with 2MP in a room with a locked door, I try to open the door, and fail... I take no wounds. Do I have 2, 1, or 0 MP remaining?

Very specifically, if it does not take an MP to attempt to open a door, then what's the meaning of the Locked Door rule text that deals with being "on the cusp"? If it only requires MP to actually change rooms, how can I ever successfully open the door but not have MP to move through it?

2. Zum's Dancing Arrow (and similar cards).

On a magic hit, one target hero or monster of your choice in the same space must overcome Magic Threat 5+ or take one wound.

The name of the card, as well as the artwork, suggest this is sort of a "ricochet" shot. That would suggest the second hit attempt can't be used against the same target as the initial attack.

The card text, however, seems to allow for the second hit attempt to go against the same target as the initial attack.

Which is it?

3. Rescue Lily + Warp to City.

If you have the Rescue Lily quest and are standing on Thieves' Alley, and you also have the Warp to City boon in your hand, how many turns does it take you to complete the quest?

Picking up the Lily token seems like a free action that would not end your turn, because you have not "completed" a quest.

Subsequently using the Warp to City boon to travel to the Inn of the Wily Wench says "This ends your Hero Phase immediately." That sounds like you can't also complete the quest in the same turn, even though the quest completion just requires the (free action) discarding of a token. This would mean your next turn, you start by turning in the quest, and then can do nothing else, because turning in the quest ends your turn.

Is this interpretation correct? (Turn 1 - pick up Lily, Warp, end turn. Turn 2 - turn in quest, end turn.)

4. Search Quests and a possible misprint?

The quest Slay the Hideous Rat Beast states, in the middle of the card, "Search: 7+ any urban space". This sounds like a Threat, but no ability symbol is given. Fortunately, the card text explains how the 7+ test works. You roll the die with no ability modifier, but +1 per step away from the nearest entrance. If the Search is successful, then you fight the monster.

Now to the problem.

The quest Divine the Holy Symbol also states "Search: 7+ any urban space". This sounds like a Threat to overcome. However, no ability symbol is given. On this card, the detail text does NOT clarify how the Search works. It sounds like I have to Search to find the symbol, then execute the Chance quest (roll no duplicates) to decipher it. How does the Search part work? I can't roll a 7+ on one die with no ability modifier, and the text gives no other modifiers!

Thanks for your patience! We really enjoyed the game, but there were several times where we read the rules, scratched our heads, and had to negotiate the outcome, because the rules didn't appear to cover our situation.

From: tldenmark Posted on: 4/8/2005 5:51 pm
To: DigArc
Message: 602.2
in reply to: 602.1

1. Trapped doors have nothing to do with movement, if you fail a trapped door take a wound, otherwise just go through it (pay the movement for entering the new space of course).

Locked doors only penalize you 1 movement if you fail, otherwise just go through it (pay the movement for entering the new space of course).

Where it gets slightly tricky is when you only have 1 movement left and you fail the Locked door. Place your hero token on the Door in this case, while on the door (the cusp) the door is treated as Open - since you "opened" it by paying the penalty move - you just didn't have any movements left to move into the new space.

2. Follow the text, the illustration does not dictate the game mechanics.

3. Your interpretation is correct. But you don't HAVE to drop Lily at the beginning of your turn, YOU CHOOSE when to do a Quest during your Hero Phase.

4. Its a die roll you make when on the appropriate terrain and you add +1 to your roll for each space you are from the nearest entrance to "find" the Quest.

Seems the rules covered everything but your search Quest question. Those cards should have the "add +1 to your roll for each space you are from the nearest entrance" info on them like similar Quests in other Dungeoneer sets have on them.